Why did they kill Tania?

Wouldn't she have run out of the way when all hell broke loose at the end? Besides, she wasn't a danger to anyone.



How could she run away when you have a bunch of angry dudes around you killing each other?

She was a just a unfortunate victim of "collateral damage".


I agree Mind. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. What a shame though. What a exquisite pair of sweater kittens she had!


Was it ever revealed how she died? Perhaps in the book/screenplay?



You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


As Mindstamina3000 well said, she was a just a unfortunate victim of "collateral damage". Movie was unclear on who did this, but Han certainly must have gave the kill order..

" I don't agree, but I do understand" - Chris Rock


Based on what exactly?

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Tania died because she was part of the problem on Han's Island.

She had to have known what Han was doing. She was bringing the girls to the men, after all. She would have to had been really stupid to NOT KNOW what Han was doing.

Because she was involved, she was killed. The question that was never answered was by who or with what. We just see her dead.

Shut your fat ass, Rayvie! I can't buy a pack of smokes without runnin' into nine guys you *beep*


My assumption is while they were busy fighting the guards, Han or one of his henchmen killed her.


Why would Han or one of his guards kill Tania?

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


its too bad she died but she was one o' them, and was in on drugging up the girls. Still, she had lovely piggies as seen when she was walking on Roper's back.


Those 'lost drunken men' had to have known that she worked for Han, so they killed her.


Maybe Han or one of his guards thought she was in on releasing the prisoners. Or maybe even one of Han's Daughters killed her for the same reason? Han and his guards didn't seem to be above killing someone for failure or revenge.

The bottom line it was to show the regret from Roper seeing she was killed uselessly.


She died as a result of offering Han a hand job. He took offense and had her taken out.



I'm surprised that she wasn't raped.
