MovieChat Forums > Vanishing Point (1971) Discussion > Naked girl on Honda? knew K already?

Naked girl on Honda? knew K already?

She showed him an old clipping she had of him? Was she supposed to have known him already?..or did they know eachother somehow? He did not recognize her as anyone....Was this just part of the trippy nature of the film or did I miss something?

....or is it just that I wanted to know her..? lol..

All the women he comes across in the movie look similar to the love interest they show in his memories..but not the same girl...


I think the point is, all the girls he comes in contact with, the rape girl, the gas station attendant and the nude girl, are all the same "type" in both appearance and spirit.


She was just a random butt-naked sex object that rode around with nothing but a collage of her idol's exploits under her arm. He must have been high on speed and petrol fumes.

There were three of us in this marriage


That was Melania K's first job in america.


She was a hippy (clearly a quite hardcore one like her bf/companion) .. Hippies didnt liked cops and Kowalsky was a cop who was busted as retaliation for doing the right thing.. so among hippies he would certainly be a hero.. the cop who tries to do the right thing and only gets busted for that.. proving to themselves their point that all cops were corrupt..

Probably the press ran the history too that Kowalsky ban was rumored to be a dirty retaliation for standing agasint some other nasty cops.. useless in court but easy to see way popular among hippie comunuties..

So she had that collage there.. simple as that..
She probably had more about other heroes.. she clearly lived the moment only ... Kowalsky was there so only Kowalsky mattered to her in the time he was there
