MovieChat Forums > Straw Dogs (1971) Discussion > Was she enjoying it - or what?

Was she enjoying it - or what?

Was she getting off on sex with the first guy - it looked half rape / half consensual. Second guy obviously just rape. What an awesome weird movie. Reminded me a lot of Red Canyon.


Cue Robin Thicke's song "Blurred Lines".



Another element to this that I haven't seen mentioned is how sex is shown onscreen normally. Regarding Hollywood movies, the 70s and 80s were the only times sex looked even remotely realistic on camera. What we get now is the 'slam bam' variety. Even it's explicit - it's completely detached and you can always sense the actors' discomfort. Only indie and sometimes internationally produced movies will incorporate any kind of foreplay, awkwardness and variety.

What's notable about this scene is that, despite the violence, Charlie goes through the motions of good sex - there is a good couple of mins of kissing, slow undressing and cuddling all together. He even kisses down her front - how often do you see that nowadays? That's what makes the scene so sickeningly enjoyable to watch for a modern viewer (a female one in particular). You could easily edit the violence out of it and turn it into a consensual role play scene. There is a sad deficit of movie sex scenes that are genuinely sexy for women in this porn age.

I think this is what makes this scene even more controversial today than at the time of release.



Of course it's a rape scene. When she remembered the scene she was both disgusted and terrified. Not just disgusted because she 'cheated' her husband.
While the act was in progress she tried to fantasize her husband so she feels better about it. Wasn't it obvious with the flashbacks?



That is the same crap that all rapist and their lawyers say in court to try and get the rapist off. It is called blaming the victim and Amy was a victim and IT was rape cause she said no a lot and he had no rights over her. He forced her to surrender her body and we have no control over our bodies but that doesn't mean it is all consenting.



Just because she started to respond doesn't mean that she enjoyed it which she didn't. What else could she do, if she continued resisting he would have further hurt her and rape her so she surrendered but doesn't mean she enjoyed it. She hated that her body couldn't fight back.

You'd think that God would have invented fangs to grow inside our vagina so that if we indeed did not want an unwanted intruder in us these fangs would come out and bit off the rapist's dick but no! So now we got to make people try to see what is the differences between consent and not consenting.



Again? What could she have done next? Slap him? Kick him, threaten him? Remember what he could have done next which is could have raped her again. Rape is about power and control, he has her under his power when she did and said to him. Anyways it doesn't mean that she asked for it and it isn't her fault.

I suppose you think it is her fault that she let him in?



Yes she did ask for it. Obviously there was a flame between them, inviting him in for a drink with "fk me eyes", big flag right there. It seems to me some people have drawn their "own version" in their heads or disregard body language and subtext. The second guy: that is how one would react if they DONT WANT IT. Like it would matter if someone would hit you - if you don't want it you will scream your lungs out and bite his fkin neck. Surely you wouldn't flirt and lead a man on, then when he is doubting, leading him on more then push back then on then kiss then hug - silly games ppl play...



So what if she flirted a little with the ex? She made it clear that she didn't want to be with him like that,and he still forced himself on her. Flirting with a guy damn sure is no reason and damn excuse for a woman to be raped---that's some bull**** and you know it, so don't even try to justify that s***. You make it sound like he couldn't control himself---sorry, but men are not animals that don't have controls over their own actions and thoughts. I mean,please---flirting or teasing a man was for too damn long used as an excuse to justify a rapist's actions and get them off from being sentenced. Nobody buys that bull**** any more, and you know that too, so don't even try it.



As I wrote in my review of this crappy sexist movie, I think Amy desperately wants David's love and attention. He doesn't give it to her, so she gets it elsewhere. She wants to be desired and taken roughly. That's why she partially enjoys it with the first man.

And the reason she doesn't tell David she was raped is because she knows he won't believe her anyway. Just like he didn't believe her about who killed her cat. And refused to take action towards the men who killed the cat.

She's married to a world class jackass, who doesn't love her. He only loves his work and treats her like a child and scolds her and orders her around all the time.

Why she doesn't just leave him however is a mystery.
