the cow on the roof

anyone know where there might be a still of the b/g shot of the cow on the roof which the guys totally ignore as they're walking past? Or even the movie clip? Hilarious.


Check'll find many clips from this movie there.
Good luck


The cow on the roof is a very realistic touch to this movie. Many structures built on the western plains were called dugouts or sod houses. The dugout was built half underground so the eve of the roof was about ground level. The roof was covered with a thick layer of prairie sod and grass. The people who tried to farm the prairie and built these houses were called sodbusters by the cattle ranchers. It was common for the livestock to graze on these sod roofs.



If you read this you owe me a dollar.


cool indeed, i reacted to that shot too, they sure eat a lot in this and others of their movies, the dubbing in this movie is great and not distracting as in some dubbed flicks where it's so obvious you rather react to it. in one movie after another hill sort of plays the fastest gun in the west, makes sense he later played the live action lucky luke then, but i don't recall bud spencer playing this fast on the draw, but rather using his fists, it's been so long since i saw these i forgot, also this is one of the few times i've seen a body slam outside of pro wrestling, and only time i recall bud playing the sheriff except for some weird sci-fi movies, funny how he handles the guy with a bullet in his arm. when they're set out to train the settlers to defend themselves reminded of the final bit of "blazing saddles". there are some actors in this re used in later hill / spencer movies. i've heard that the movie "the troublemakers" (1994) was suppose to be the third trinity movie but had to be changed because of right issues, that all makes sense watching this, they're brothers, bud ticked off at hill (though bud is ticked off in every movie), and roles having similar names, also i think "the troublemakers" were their first western since these trinity flicks in the 1970s, though that is more family friendly. an old swedish vhs release of "all the way boys" is titled trinity 3 even though it has no connection what so ever except the leads, it isn't even a western for goodness sake.

๐Ÿฎ ๐Ÿ„ ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿฅ” ๐Ÿ  ๐Ÿž ๐Ÿณ ๐Ÿ— ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿฝ ๐Ÿฝ

everything gone away,
but im still here in a new day,
in surroundings unknown,
living in memories of old,
waiting to head home.
