MovieChat Forums > The Andromeda Strain (1971) Discussion > What I hate most about this movie

What I hate most about this movie

The crying baby.

It's the most annoying sound in the world, and it needlessly ruins about 10 solid minutes of the movie.

It makes me want to slam my face into a brick wall repeatedly.


That's pretty funny. That part JUST came up while I was watching the movie and I was thinking the same damn thing!!


Thank you sir, I wholeheartedly agree. Wish they had used that nuke on the baby. Luckily few other films, if any, contain prolonged baby crying.

Always makes me wonder why evolution hasn't resulted in something more appealing. It's all fine and dandy that a screaming baby causes most mothers to come rushing by with good intent, but if a sizable portion of the people around feel an urge to be violent, that can't be good for survival.


Agree with you 100%. Had to mute it for all the baby crying scenes!


Agreed. Crying babies, ringing 1970s phones (god but the 70s loved to show a phone ringing and ringing and ringing), and the worst of all - over-done, over-dramatic childbirth, where the mother is screaming and then we get the baby crying. Yes, I realize it's all real world stuff, but as the OP said - it drives me up the wall and does NOT add to the movie.



i am one hour and forty into this film and i just cannot understand why this film has a 7.2 rating. it's boring as rhymes with duck. page after page of script wasted on science babble and exposition that does not add to the story. added to that and the film focusses on four characters who have as much charisma as a single cell organism. they are all obnoxious. further, who wants to hear a child crying? it's distressing.

well, i've finished the film now. a terrible, aimless movie that was utterly lacking in dramatic tension. i honestly think it is the worse big budget science fiction film i have seen. actually, maybe after earth was worse but this was really grim.


I haven't seen the movie, but just finished the book. I have no interest in watching the movie because I'm pretty sure I would have the same experience you had. The book was good, but very tedious at times.
