sexless?? I think not!

I'm really surprised that this reviewer thought the relationship
seemed sexless. On the contrary I thought that was the best
part of the show. A husband and wife that were hot for each
other. How often do you see that on TV??


They mention it and/or smooch on every show. Not sexless at all.

I had the chance to work with Michael Jackson who was as brilliant as they come.
Tommy Mottola


There was a funny scene in the pilot where she was telling Mac over the phone how much she wanted to jump his bones, only to discover that there was someone standing behind her.


This was my favorite entry in the NBC rotating mysteries of the 70s. Loved Mac and Sally together. At the time, their bedroom scenes were topics of conversation in that they were one of the first to be playful in bed on TV.

Also think there was great chemistry between Mac and Mildred. Some silly situations in the plots sometimes, but I think the trio pulled it off.


LOL, whoever said that must be blind,or crazy!
They spent half the time in their bedroom on this show which I loved especially one particular episode where they mention they were going to take a nap in the middle of the day, "oh, those wonderful afternoon naps with your mate."
