Getting a comeback??

I don't know if this is exciting or not. I loved this show as a kid


Well it has been two and a half years since the announcement. I heard about a one off revival called « Return To Frightenstein » with an all new cast who do an audio performance of the show on CD.

The new show would need a major horror movie star to give it some gravitas. But where are the major horror stars of today?


Yeah. I can't say there is any excitement left after 2 years.


I like the show and all that, I have quite a few episodes in my collection that I like to revisit from time to time.

A new version would just draw comparisons to the original. But of course, I would watch it.

Perhaps they might do something interesting in 2021 for the 50th anniversary.


Who knows? I may have hated it as Billy Van was the show, and kids shows these days veer away from the "horror", but it would have been interesting to see what they came up with.
