Why is this movie never on TV?

I loved the book and am going to finally buy a copy of the VHS tape on Ebay. I've never seen the movie. Isn't it bizarre though that this movie is never on TV? At least not that I've seen. Not on regular TV, cable, Turner Classic Movies, etc. I wonder if there's some legal reason it can't be shown or something. Weird?


For some reason it hasn't been shown on TV in decades, that I'm aware of. I remember watching it on network TV one evening in the early 70s when I was a sophmore in high school, and the next day at school the talk was, 'hey, did you see that movie last night with Alice Cooper in it?'


I've only seen this movie on TV myself. I know I saw it first back in the 1970's, probably around 1976 or so. I know I've seen it on TV since, but it's hard to say when that was, maybe in the early 1990's or so.

It would be a shame to delete the scenes with the upside down psychiatrist. Until I read this I had no idea that those scenes were not in the original theatrical release.

This really is a great film and is great insight into a very insular, claustrophobic world of cocktail parties, Upper West side liberal bitchiness and those who live to acquire status seeking objects and connections.

I still think of Richard Benjamin as that cold, slimy, condescending husband.

What no one here has mentioned is that a lot of the material here went on to be in Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman on TV with the local and class switched from upper class New York to working class Ohio.


Interestingly, a few years ago when my daughter was a college freshman, her school offered a variety of mini-classes at the beginning of the semester. The class she chose, which was on the '60's, included a viewing of this movie. (Although DOMH was released in 1970, it was still emblematic of how women were treated and viewed at the time, which is why I think they showed it.) At the time, I wondered where they got the copy of the movie. My daughter loved it as much as I did. I'd buy a copy in a minute if I could get one.



I actually saw this on tv.


I only saw it on TV, in the 1970s.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


I saw it the first time on one of the major networks at night.

It did not have any nudity, but the opening scenes where she is doing the cleaning of the house that Richard Benjamin suggested were remembered well-I too rather have them back in then the nudity and bed scenes betweewn Langella and Sodgress.


Somehow I burned this to DVD years ago. I don't remember if I copied from one of the movie channels or if I copied from VHS... But I'm thrilled I have it.

I originally saw this when it first came out and 43 years later, I still love it. My favorite part was their party - and also Jona-thing telling Tina how to pack his suitcase. Roll in the hay - indeed.


I found my copy (Goodtimes Video, which means it's in public domain) on VHS about 20 years ago at KMart--for $2.00. I've watched it about 10 times, and it's still in excellent condition


I recall seeing it only on TV, in the 1970s.

"When you think of garbage, think of Akeem!"


I have the version which incorporates both the theatrical version and the TV version with the 'upside down' psychiatrist. They've been spliced together.

As a young kid, I went to the theater to see that version with my parents. After it was over, my father said, 'That movie only showed two things. Her husband treating her like *beep* and sex with that lover.'

Needless to say, he didn't like it. But I always have.
