Does anyone else like this show?

I'm 18. I remember watching this when I was little when they played it on Nickelodeon. I have some of the episodes taped around here somewhere. It's my all time favorite show. Anyone else like it?


I absolutely loved this show when it was on. I used to watch it at my grandmother's house in the 80's. My daughters would love this as well....they need to rerun some episodes.


I watched it in the mid 70's here in australia and loved and still do .im now 39


I was a small child when this ran during its one season in 1970, and it had a profound effect on me, although at the time I had no idea why. While some people argue that "H.R. Puffinstuff" was the most psychedelic, drug-fueled kids' show of all-time (and of that period), I would say it comes in a close second to "L.L."!

Watching "L.L" now, you can almost picture the haze of pot smoke and LSD trips the creators and writers of this show must have gotten their ideas from! It's like a stoner's PhD thesis! "L.L." is a surrealistic masterpiece worthy of Salvador Dali (wonder if the old boy ever watched it? Now THAT would be something to behold!). It's easy to understand why it only ran for one season, and equally easy to see how it has achieved the cult status it enjoys today. Truly a time capsule of the late 60s/early 70s, thank goodness that it's now presevered for posteriety on DVD!

Children and heads of the world unite!


Well I remember this watchin this show in the 80's on nick at nite and I just remember laughing so hard at watching the chimps lips flap while human voices came out I used laughh til it hurt!!! Hey wouldn't it be great if they did a remake of this show I mean hell they seem to fe-making alot of shows these days anyways and we all know that all of us humans have a facination with monkeys acting.... well like monkeys!!! If they can make a show about cavemen I don't see why not!!!!


It resurfaced in the mid-'90s here in California on Nickelodeon, I believe. That was the first time I'd ever seen it. My husband and I got a big kick out of it. Our daughter was only 4 or 5, so she doesn't remember it now (at 18) but she liked it then too!


Oh wow Talk about Strange Memory from the late 60's I remember watching this with my Brother on saturday Mornings. Now I got the Munchies for some Chocolate Milk and Lucky Charms.

Talk about the Drug Culture back in the Cartoons of the 60's ever wonder what Drug Underdog had in his Secret Ring?????

Q: How does Soylent Soda taste?
A: It varies from person to person.


I'm just thankful some people do drugs, or else we wouldn't have shows like this. We would all be stuck with the Beaver's idyllic and somewhat unrealistic world.

I mean, who comes up with this stuff? Reminds me of that line from Steven Segal's train movie, when the Admiral asks the CIA dude why he employed a psychopathic manic-depressive and the CIA dude replies, "Because sane people don't come up with stuff like this(I'm para-phrasing, of course)". Without all that experimentation, forget Puff-N-Stuff, Lance and Mata Hairi, the first two seasons of Get Smart, countless other pop-culture favorites. So, if those people want to kill brain cells in the name of mind-expansion, let them, as long as they come up with things to entertain us.

Of course, hallucinagenics also gave us Barney, the purple mind-control and baby sitting dinosaur, but I guess that's the trade off.
I would take Lancelot over Barney anyday.


I loved this show. My husband was just sent a skit from this show to his phone and I said omg that's Lancelot Link and he is older than me and has never heard of this show. I would really love to see this again, think I'll head over to Youtube to see if I can find something.


I know they must have rerun it, because I was born in October 1971 and this was my favorite show when I was around 2 years old (in the US). I used to run around saying "Me Mata, Me Mata" and acting like a chimp (like Natalie Wood & Santa do in Miracle on 34th Street) :)

I'm sorry, poor abused chimps :(


I watched this show when it first aired, and to this day, I still have my vintage "Lance Link" lunchbox!
