MovieChat Forums > What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969) Discussion > Why does no one know about this film?

Why does no one know about this film?

I just watched this today, and I loved this film. I'm really surprised that hardly anybody knows about it. Why is this?

My Black Christmas (1974) Fansite


because it's not so great, nor the Debbie Reynolds' "Whatever Happened to..."


because it's not so great, nor the Debbie Reynolds' "Whatever Happened to..."

The first time I saw it, in the late 90's, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it and have viewed several times since. Didn't care much for the Debbie Reynolds\Shelly Winters one though, 'Whats The Matter With Helen' or 'Who Slew Auntie Roo', with Winters.

As for another Aldrich production, 'Killing Of Sister George'-68', I would rate that highly, along with 'Baby Jane'. 'Hush...Charlotte', isn't to bad either and tends too be neglected.


I remember the poster when it came out with Page have a long strand of blood coming from one eye. While Page is an excellent actress, she can be annoying with- every-line-is- a profound-statement type of acting, just like Lange


While Page is an excellent actress, she can be annoying with- every-line-is- a profound-statement type of acting, just like Lange
I would say that Page had this trait, moreso than Lange. She was a stage actress and could appear to be talking at or around you and appeared mannered and self-conscious at times. This is a minor quibble though and she is still terrific. That is why I like watching AUNT ALICE, as she has Gordon to rebound off, who can appear to be playing herself in parts; but more in the moment\spontaneous as well. I love the kitchen outburst scene, where it just happens and Gordon is unpredictable here.


Hear! Hear! This is truly an obscure; although, not forgotten, gem. Two great actresses going at each other in some unforgettable scenes, what's not to love? I do think the title is the film's greatest downfall. I would've preferred the "The Forbidden Garden", personally.


I do think the title is the film's greatest downfall. I would've preferred the "The Forbidden Garden"....
I agree. That would have been a more appealing and mysterious title. The 'Whatever' part, would have been a marketing ploy and anticipation of another success like BABY JANE. This could have likely put more viewers off and worked to the detriment of the films success.


It's such a great flick. I don't know why people don't know about it.
