Funniest line... so hard to choose! This movie had so many great lines in it. But whenever I think of Joe Danby being hauled into the jail and he says "This is just plain dumb and stupid." I crack up every time. I have no idea what's so funny about it. But Bruce Dern delivers it like a comic gem.


Jake's character: "shovelin' horse...workin' in a stable!"


Indeed! This is one of the all time great comedies; all without being vulgar, imagine that. The jokes are great because of the context and delivery so most, if not all, are not like quoting lines from Blazing Saddles or Airplane! but still great nonetheless, e.g.

Mayor: My daughter is a rich little ole gal in her own right.
Sheriff: You mean whoever marries her, gets the gold mine?
Mayor: Shaft and all!


Olly Perkins: ...She was always big for her age and puberty hit her pretty hard, it'll do that you know...

Jason: No, I didn't.


(Slightly paraphrased)


This one if from memory so please excuse it not being 100% accurate.

Pa Danby: "That weren't too smart of Joe."
Jason: "I've been around Joe all day and haven't seen him do one smart thing yet."


I especially liked Mrs. Danvers laugh

>the coins in the jar are for charity,
<the coins in the tray are for sharing


"He don't have one brain in his poor ol' head".

The best revenge: Live well, enjoy life and be happy. Drives any haters crazy.


From memory:

Pa Danby to Joe, "I gotten take on with that sheriff, you don't exactly dazzle no one with your intelligence".
