Funniest line... so hard to choose! This movie had so many great lines in it. But whenever I think of Joe Danby being hauled into the jail and he says "This is just plain dumb and stupid." I crack up every time. I have no idea what's so funny about it. But Bruce Dern delivers it like a comic gem.


Son: Pa look your teeth they saved my life.
Danby: hell with you what am I going to use to chaw with.


That's right: I forgot that! Thanks!


Joe Danby, about his father: He's got a heart as big as the whole outdoors, but he don't have one brain in his poor old head.


"I was a hor-holder -- A horse-holder at Madame Orr's."
"seems to me you've spent an awful lot of time around horses."
"one end or the other. 'Course, I come by it naturally. My daddy stole horses for a living."


Get your finger out of the end of my guy.


The Mayor, passing Jason the sheriff's badge with the bullet impression in it:

"That must have saved the guy's life."

"Sure would have, if it hadn't been for all them other bullets comin' in from all directions."

LOVE this movie!!!


"The Opener of the Way is Waiting"


Jake: You want me to tell Joe Danby he's under arrest for murder? What are you going to do after he kills me?

Jason: Then I'll arrest him for both murders.

Jason talking to Jake about Pa Danby.

Jason: You know, he strikes me as a lonely man.

Jake: LONELY! DANBY? Why he's nothing but a low down no account bushwhacker.

Jason: Well there ya see; no wonder he's lonely.

After Pa Danby has told his sons about his meeting with the new sheriff.

Luke Danby: He stuck his finger in the end of your what?

Pa Danby: Will you be quiet; everyone will be looking.

Jake: How did you get this job?

Jason: The mayor seem to think I had the right qualifications.

Jake: He'd a thought that if you were blind in both eyes and crippled in both legs.

Jason: I think you're right.

Jesus is the Son of God and my Lord and savior. Pretty cool.


"She's used to being tied do things she don't want to do" (paraphrasing?) says Harry Morgan as Joan Hackett tries to tie herself to a post in the barroom to keep from being removed. This movie is loaded with great quips, one-lines and zingers!


Best line of the movie!!!


I love when they hand him the sheriffs badge right after they hire him and it has an obvious bullet dent in it.

Jason McCullough: [Fingering dented badge] That must have saved the life of whoever was wearin' it.

Mayor Olly Perkins: Well, it sure would have, if it hadn't been for all them other bullets flyin' in around it.

Then when the Danbys are contemplating how to get Joe out of Jail.

Son: "I don't care how good he is with a gun." "Let's just all three of us go over there." "What could he do against all three of us."

Old Man Danby: "Kill two of us."


"She takes after her dear departed mother"

"oh, her mother's dead?"

"no, just departed"


During the gunfight towards the end of the film, Sheriff Jason stops the Danby posse from shooting.

"Now just hold! Hold it!! Wait! Wait!!"

As soon as he's safely across the road, he tells them, "Okay, go ahead!!" as he dives for cover.

Very funny movie!


Mayor Ollie Perkins: She's a rich little old gal in her own name, Sheriff. Sole owner of the Millard Frymore Memorial Mining Company.
Jason McCullough: You meanin' whoever marries her gets the mine.
Mayor Ollie Perkins: Shaft and all.
Jason McCullough: Well that wouldn't hurt in certain circles.


Joe Danby: What's your name?
Jason McCullough: Jason McCullough. What's yours?
Joe Danby: Joe Danby. And you better remember it!
Jason McCullough: Oh I will Joe. You can bet that I'm just gonna go around remembering your name.

Great movie.

I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.


When they first hire Jason as sheriff and are showing him the jail the Mayor tries to warn him about the Danbys and the others stop him, after Jason walks out of the jail the Mayor turns back to the others and says "This is little bit like murder, I hope you know that.". I awlays gets a chuckle out of the way Harry Morgan delivers that line.


by pjpurple-1 » Sun Apr 3 2011 13:45:24
IMDb member since December 2007
Post Edited: Sun Apr 3 2011 13:46:26 so hard to choose! This movie had so many great lines in it. But whenever I think of Joe Danby being hauled into the jail and he says "This is just plain dumb and stupid." I crack up every time. I have no idea what's so funny about it. But Bruce Dern delivers it like a comic gem.

James Garner grabs a washer from a bin in the general store, tosses it up in the air and shoots it. He catches it and hands it to the Mayor;

Mayor; What's your point, Mister McCullough?
McCullough; No point, just an exibition of marksmanship, the bullet went through the hole in the center. *polite grin*
Mayor; Yeah, well, maybe it did, maybe it didn't.
McCullough; Oh it did, you can take my word for it.
Mayor; Yeah, well, I'd like to take your word, but ... *goes and tapes over the hole, then hands washer back*
Mayor; Would you mind doing it again, Mister McCullough?
McCullough; You want me to do it again?
Mayor; If'n you don't mind.
McCullough; Well now, I already shot one hole in your roof.
Mayor; That's all right.
*McCullough tosses the washer up in the air again, and shoots it again. He catches it and hands it back to the Mayor. The mayor sees a hole shot through the tape he just put there*
Mayor; *clears throat* I hope you didn't take no offense to nuttin' I may have said earlier.

Classic 


when harry morgan says his daughter 'takes after her dear departed mother' ,and Garner says 'oh, she died?' And morgan says 'nope, she just departed.'
