MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > recommendations for other films of this ...

recommendations for other films of this style?

Hi. I like this movie for pretty much the same reasons as many of the fans express here on the board. I really like how non-traditional it is and it intrigues me to post the question if there are any other movies like this. And I don't mean particularly motorcycle/60s/rebels movies, but anything that's basically a culture classic or something as groundbreaking (in terms of the fact that movies like it were never made and was sort of a shocker to the industry).

it's a movie somewhat like 2001 a space odyssey in the way that the two movies are great for not how much it shows, but for how little.

so interpret the post anyway you like, i would just like to know if there's anything like it in terms of style, but not really subject matter.


Roger Corman's Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It (1971) is a strange Hippie comedy but also a "road" picture like this one from the same era. A fore-runner of Mad Max (1979) and the like.


Well, some good late 60s hippie movies are Wild in the Streets, Billy Jack, and Alice's Restaurant.


Immense like a dream that entices you so much but is unattainable.Jack Nicholson as usual is incomparable and proves that you never can see the last of him. The 'trip' sequence was awesomely shot and reminded me of a Dali painting. And the late '60s music perfectly blended into the movie.

Another similiar movies I would recommend are



I'm going to try and stick with titles that have not already been listed.

The Shooting
Any of John Waters' early pictures
Enter The Dragon
Putney Swope
Blood Feast
Dynamite Chicken
Sweet Movie
WR: Mysteries Of The Organism
Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song
Pretty much anything Samuel Fuller directed
Most early pornos (Deep Throat, The Devil In Miss Jones...)
Troma films
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Silent Running
Kiss Me, Stupid
Anything by Ralph Bakshi
Anything by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pink Angels
The Beast
Mean Streets


Here's a few more

The films of Russ Meyer (Particularly 'The Immoral Mr. Teas.' The first American nudie flick)
The "Dollars" series
8 1/2
The Drunken Master
The Man Who Fell To Earth
Men Cry Bullits


I'm surprised "The Trip" and "Psych-Out" haven't been mentioned, so here goes.

And Hal Ashby's "Harold and Maude" and "Being There" are kindred spirits to this film, and very free spirits at that.


two lane blacktop
vanishing point


the closest i can think of is scarecrow with pacino and gene hackman


Easy Rider is one of the (if not "the") movie that ushered in this great era of early 70s american films -- there's a pretty good doc or on the era: A Decade Under the Influence. I'd watch that doc and make your own list of movies like Easy Rider. There's plenty.
