MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > recommendations for other films of this ...

recommendations for other films of this style?

Hi. I like this movie for pretty much the same reasons as many of the fans express here on the board. I really like how non-traditional it is and it intrigues me to post the question if there are any other movies like this. And I don't mean particularly motorcycle/60s/rebels movies, but anything that's basically a culture classic or something as groundbreaking (in terms of the fact that movies like it were never made and was sort of a shocker to the industry).

it's a movie somewhat like 2001 a space odyssey in the way that the two movies are great for not how much it shows, but for how little.

so interpret the post anyway you like, i would just like to know if there's anything like it in terms of style, but not really subject matter.


Check out "Vanishing Point" from 1971, not the 1997 Made For TV one.


I would recommend you check out some films from the French New Wave, like Jules et Jim or, my personal favourite among them at the moment: Shoot The Piano Player (Tirez sur le pianiste). They're very different from Easy Rider and the other "New Hollywood" films that drew inspiration from them, but there are also many similarities.

If you'd rather go for some more American films of the same type, Bonnie and Clyde is similarly inclined though less extreme in its experimentation. There's also Five Easy Pieces with Jack Nicholson, which carries a lot of the anger and wish to escape "life in society" that both Easy Rider and Bonnie and Clyde have.

Hope any of that helps.


I would recommend 'Scarecrow' (1973) starring Gene Hackman and Al Pacino.
I would say it is comparable, ie another road movie, but in many ways a much more powerful film than Easy Rider.
Anyway just watch it if you can find it, you wont regret it.



Watch Paradise Now, and leave your self at the door, just bring an open mind.


and Dairios de Motocicleta (The Motorcycle Diaries). I don't think anything gets closer.


for a movie much the opposite from easy rider, check out "electra-glide in blue".


The Rebel Rousers
Hells Angels On Wheels
The Wild Angels
Vanishing Point


Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
Born Losers
Billy Jack




"Five Easy Pieces"
"They Shoot Horses, Don't They?"


Mercedes mon amour (tt0200637)
one of my favourites



It's good to know that Easy Rider has inspired you to explore film in more depth.

Here are a few of my recommendations, films that offered brand new themes to popular film, or that expanded the cinematic language with unconventional editing or photography (like Easy Rider did, I think). Many of them are from the same period, a time when there was much more room to experiment in mainstream film, without the benefit of computer-genereated effects:

--Midnight Cowboy (dir. John Schlesinger, 1969)
--Petulia (dir. Richard Lester, 1968)
--Z (dir. Costa-gavras, 1969)
--Performance (dir. Nicolas Roeg, 1969-70)
--The Graduate (dir. Mike Nichols, 1967)
--A Clockwork Orange (dir. Stanley Kubrik, 1971)
--Cabaret (dir. Bob Fosse, 1972)
--Taxi Driver (dir. Martin Scorcese, 1976)
--Blue Velvet (dir. David Lynch, 1986)
--American Beauty (dir. Sam Mendes, 1999)

I hope you enjoy,and derive similar aesthetic satisfactions from, these titles. Please share others that you have found on your own!



Helena-B-C is love <3



--Midnight Cowboy (dir. John Schlesinger, 1969)
--Petulia (dir. Richard Lester, 1968)
--Z (dir. Costa-gavras, 1969)
--Performance (dir. Nicolas Roeg, 1969-70)
--The Graduate (dir. Mike Nichols, 1967)
--A Clockwork Orange (dir. Stanley Kubrik, 1971)
--Cabaret (dir. Bob Fosse, 1972)
--Taxi Driver (dir. Martin Scorcese, 1976)
--Blue Velvet (dir. David Lynch, 1986)
--American Beauty (dir. Sam Mendes, 1999)

Great list and, I have seen them all and loved every one.

Stay Gold


How in the world did "American Beauty" wind up on this otherwise great list? I'm begging anyone gathering up movie suggestions from this great thread to ignore "American Beauty's" inclusion


Lost in America

To anger a Conservative, lie to him.
To anger a Liberal, tell him the truth.


It's not a movie, but Read "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac.


I just watched Hell's Angels on Wheels yesterday. I actually liked it more than Easy Rider. Just the pace, the "story" and their journey appealed to me more than in Easy Rider. The fight scenes need to be taken with a grain of salt, the ending is complete shlt and the plot is thin and meaningless, its perfect. Plus cool bikes, cool characters, good settings... gets the job done.
