MovieChat Forums > Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) Discussion > sound effects used in Six Million Dollar...

sound effects used in Six Million Dollar Man?

Anyone notice that many of the sound effects, such as the electronic beeps, typing noises and such are also used in Six Million Dollar Man, especially the beeping in the TV show's theme song overlayed on the military snare drum during the test pilot crash sequence?

Anyone know if these sounds were created for this movie or is Colossus reusing them as well?

I've noticed this in many 1960's and 1970's movies and TV shows, that sound effects get recycled over and over. The laser sounds from Battlestar Galactica got reused in Buck Rogers, and of course half the sounds in Star Trek still show up in B movies to this day!


The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman were both done on the cheap and used sound effects and stock shots extensively. The sound effects originated with this film, not the other way around.


That's not what he was asking. He was obviously not wondering if the sound effects came from a TV series that didn't air until four years later, since that's impossible. He was asking whether perhaps they originated from another movie or TV show pre-dating Colossus.


I noticed that as well immediately. I'm wondering the same thing.


I noticed the sound effects too. Also noticed Martin E. Brooks was in the movie, he played Dr. Wells in Six Million Dollar Man. Thought maybe some of the same people behind the scenes on Colossus also worked on the TV show a few years later.
