Now Seen 'Em All!

Just came to say I have now officially watched the entire original series. Of 117 episodes there were 10 at most I didn't remember having seen at all. It doesn't mean I never saw them, as I watched from Day 1, just that I don't remember them.

My favorite episode is "Amateur Nite." My least favorite is anything boring, such as that annoying woman who wanted a factory shaped like a giant powder puff.

I am currently rewatching on DVD 21 episodes I watched on Pluto, after watching the Pilgrim episode and noticing some missing scenes and realizing Pluto was butchering the episodes. So far I have rewatched four episodes. I absolutely don't understand why it should be necessary to cut ANY content from episodes on streaming! Just make the episodes longer if you have to add commercials. It's not like it matters when the show ends.

Either someone is wrong or I am not very observant. A "fact" that comes up on Googling The Brady Bunch states: "Of the nine main cast members, only Florence Henderson, Ann B. Davis, and Barry Williams appear in all 117 episodes." I noticed one episode where Mike Lookinland did not appear and a couple where Robert Reed did not but I never noticed any of the other kids missing entirely--they always showed up in at least one scene. Am I wrong or is this "fact" wrong? Thanks.


Each kid besides Greg was written out of one season 2 episode to cut production costs. Robert Reed was written out of the series last episode after an argument with Sherwood Schwartz over how ridiculous the story line was.
