Boby double used in nude scene?

The original British version had a quick nude scene pretty much at
the beginning of the film after the party scene and it looks like it
was added later as an insert. It is clumsily directed and the girls
body not only looks different from the actress but is really frumpy and
full of cellulite and or rolls of fat....a real turn off! I have never
seen such an ugly nude body double until Meg Tilly's shower scene in psycho 2.

As a note all of the films called Karloff's last picture eg this one, CAULDRON
OF BLOOD,and the four Mexican films had nudity added, In their original
countries releases but cut for the U.S.


There is a later scene where Virginia Wetherell is shown nude from behind and that is definitely her. She did a Hammer movie in the early 70's, "Demons of the Mind" with full frontal nudity.


Is it in the us Anchor Bay cut? I do not recall any full frontal nude scene from my cut of DOTM.


I had the VHS and Virginia was indeed shown fully nude, although some of the nudity was portrayed in a nearby mirror. Here's a still from the sequence:
