MovieChat Forums > 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Discussion > Six reasons why "2001" is the most impor...

Six reasons why "2001" is the most important sci-fi movie of all time

Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood talk about it:



I'm not sure how I feel about actors praising their own movie in this way. It's cool to see them after so long, but it would have been less biased to have an external person give their opinion.


No-one is there to not have a wank over it. Don't need some idiot pointing out it's initial mixed reception for the 1000th time..

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


it would have been less biased to have an external person give their opinion

There have been almost half a century of reviews for that...not to mention "Best of" lists by critics, directors, and etc. The OP simply shared the link. There's no requirement that you or anyone else take it for gospel.

The Dumpster gives a whole new meaning to "red" states.


Six reasons why "2001" is the most important sci-fi movie of all time

Sadly, looking at the state of Sci-Fi movies today, we did not learn much from it.


Kinda like looking at the state of politics, yes? Panama is looking better and better as each day passes.

The Dumpster gives a whole new meaning to "red" states.


How about moving to Canada? The land of Villeneuve?


Villeneuve will ruin Blade Runner, with the help of Deakins and Gosling.


I really like their PM. Only problem...I don't like the weather. But Vancouver is remarkably beautiful. So I'm definitely thinking about it. On the other hand, the Dumpster is already slashing his own wrists right and left while his (supposedly) docile Congress isn't playing ball.

As a good friend of mine says, the fun has just begun!

The Dumpster gives a whole new meaning to "red" states.


I'll go them one better. It's the most important movie of all time, period.
