Richard Jennings kill wrap up

The different ways the crazy Richard Jennings (Michael Findlay) killed the women in this movie was entertaining, and only got better and more macabre in the sequels.

1. Go-Go Dancer (Vivian Del Rio) - sends her a rose with poison thorns that she pricks her finger on and then dies on stage.

2. Burlesque Stripper (Sally Farb) - comes into the joint on a wheel chair and pulls a blowgun from inside his overcoat, kills her on stage with a poison dart.

3. hooker (Peggy Stefans) - after fooling around with her a bit and getting some information, kills her with a mini-scimitar he had hidden inside his jacket!

4. Claudia (Angelique Pettyjohn), his unfaithful wife - finally tracks her down and kills her gruesomely (though kept off camera) by tying her down and running her into a woodworking table saw.

Though Janet (the nude model who would sit for Claudia to paint) survives this movie and seems to kill Jenkins with a crossbow, they ret-con that for the sequel and somehow Jenkins survived and killed her, though I don't think how is specified.

His kills in the next two movie were more creative, disturbing and funny.
