Not that great...

Maybe I'm crazy, but I didn't think this was a masterpiece at all. The main characters were pretty 1-dimensional (i didnt care about them very much), the story was so-so, some of the scenes felt sloppy and poorly-edited, and to top it off, there was hardly any dialogue at all.

I know how this film/its director is regarded and I am not trying to stir up an argument here, but I just didnt see what the the rest of you seem to have experienced when viewing the film.

Achilles absent was Achilles still.



Not great at all. Film has no appeal.


Film has no appeal. you.

There are lots of people who find it very appealing. Just read the other posts here.


Too me and too many others.


You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: those who love great films and those who don't


Well that's because you have really really really really really bad or no taste at all. If you were to make a movie, it would probably look like a bowel movement.


Old thread, I know, but it's interesting to me that you criticize Le Samourai for one-dimensional characters and hardly any dialogue, then a couple of posts later declare 2001 to be your favourite film.

How does that happen? :-D

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


It'a a perfect film.


For lack of a better word I didn't get it either. I'm not sure all the things people interpret into the bare bones story are there or if people just want them to be there because of le samourai's reputation.

The first fifteen minutes had me mesmerized, from then on it was dull and monotonous with a brief spike at the finale. Definitely not impressed. For my 1967 stylish flick about a contract killer I'll stick with branded to kill next time.
