MovieChat Forums > The Day the Fish Came Out (1967) Discussion > The Box? The Ending? This is an atrocio...

The Box? The Ending? This is an atrocious mess.

So, the "stones" go in the water supply? And what?

The ending? "Attention please?"

What kind of crap is this?

This movie had no plot, no ending.


The fish were dead & dying due to the contaminated water; the same was going to happen to the revelers who drank the poisoned beverages. The voice on the PA pleads in vain for their attention to warn them of the dire situation. They were all dead meat, like the fish.

This movie had no plot

It's a cautionary satire on the dangers of atomic power and how humanity was developing too fast for our own good seeing as how we are still too primitive & dumb to handle the great advances in knowledge, such as nuclear power. The idea of trying too hard to evolve can be seen in the futuristic clothing of the visitors to the island, including the comical styles of the military unit (keep in mind that the film was made in 1966 and the creators amusingly imagined what fashions would be like in 1972, which is the setting of the story). This is contrasted by the two pilots wandering around the isle destitute in their briefs akin to Neanderthals, not to mention the goatherd couple living in a simple hovel.
