I saw it twice

I saw it on tv in the 1960s, I guess I was about 14. I didn't like it. Years later I wondered if maybe I just was too young to get it, so when it was on tv recently, I set the dvr to record it and I watched it tonight. I still wasn't crazy about it. There were some funny parts, some decent parts, hot women, and I liked some of the music, but overall it didn't work for me. I don't hate it like some people here do but I probably won't watch it a third time.


I like this movie which I have seen and enjoyed several times and it is a thousand times better than the abysmal QUANTUM OF SOLACE.


I saw it twice in the Movie Theater and any time i could find it on TV Think I owned the tape


I saw this movie on DVD twice when I checked it out from the library and it was very weird to me. It's not awful and it had some funny stuff, but could've been done better if the writers weren't on drugs especially near the end.
