Joe Friday Zingers

"He was hit 6 times with a claw hammer. The first two killed him."
"The next 4 changed his personality."

"Steal a poor man's ring. What kind of a person would do that?"
"The same kind that would beat him to death with a claw hammer."

"You got nice eyes...for a cop."
"And I'll bet your mother had a loud bark."

"He was hit in the stomach by 2 shotgun blasts. The first one killed him."
"The second one turned him into a crowd."


Baby's hand: "You can't make a very big fist with one of those." - "Get your head up when I'm talking to you!" - Kid: "His name is Jones." Friday: "Jones? Care to try for Smith or Johnson?"


To Clayton Fillmore: "You've got the monumental gall to stand there and say they wouldn't have lived much longer."


Medal of Honor Poser Glen Procustin Jr: "this medal belonged to my father! And now it's mine"

Joe: "And your father would be real proud of you."


Porno Movie Producer: "the public wants smut!! And there's not a thing you can do about it!"

Come to think of it, Joe didn't have an answer for that one.



By this comment, Koe Friday points out how callused Clayton Filmore's attittude is. Filmore's loose comment is: "Sorry, but it's not as if they would have lived much longer anyway. No human has the authority to decide that some people have lived long enough.


To the neo-nazi: "You keep harping in minorities. Well mister you're a psycho, and their a minority too!"


After a zinger there is music.


After a zinger there is music.
Well, muzic is what a zinger produces. Right?

Julie London, one of Jack Webb's wives, was actually both a zinger and a singer. She typically wore revealing dresses on her album covers.



19 Year old white drug addict/burglar: "You can't hang any other jobs on me. I did ONE! Just ONE!!"

Joe: "One's all it takes, Boy."

(Unlike negroes, whites don't mind being called "Boy")


Charley Smith (Burt Mustin): No doubt about it! You're looking at him! Charley Smith! The world's oldest living cat burglar!

Joe: He was.



Also from "The Big Hammer"

Joe: "Would you let your daughter marry a cop?"

Dorothy Miller: "Joe! She's only nine..."

Joe: "I'll wait."


I just read all 41 responses to this and I am shocked - shocked! - that the Joe Friday zinger that I think is his greatest 'drop the mic' moment has not been said yet:

From The Big Ad (Season 2, episode 9), the episode where Harvey Forrester hires Joe Friday to kill his wife (planning on then killing Friday as an 'intruder'):

Harvey Forrester (looking at his sleeping wife): Lousy, sloppy drunk.
Joe Friday: Don't knock her, Forrester. She had a good reason to drink.
Harvey Forrester: Oh yeah? And what's that?
Joe Friday: She was married to you.


Why couldn’t I be Governor of Idaho? Kill a few potatoes; who’d care?


I love those zingers.
