Similar movies

Anybody have any reccomendations for similar movies? I'm thinking of some dialouge-heavy, psychological dramas, with cat and mouse themes. Maybe like A Streetcar Named Desire, that kind of thing?


One comes to mind - The Lion in Winter with Katharine Hepburn and Peter O'Toole. Same cat & mouse play.


Long Day's Journey Into Night - another one with just 4 characters (a way-dysfunctional family) and barely more than a single set on which they spend a long evening making each other miserable.


I can't believe no one has said it yet....

What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962)


Suddenly Last Summer (1959) - also starring Liz Taylor and similarly adapted from a play.


Wait Until Dark

Fun Words to Say: Balzac, Schwumpleton, Kwosion, Clavicle.


Suddenly Last Summer was the first one that popped into my head. Katherine Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor in competition! Taylor has a long narrative speech at the climax that reveals elements just as shocking and possibly imagined as the one in Virginia Woolf.

The Boys in the Band is also a truly vicious movie set in real-time at a party. The barbed wit and ferocious attacks between the two leads also hide a sort of love (or at least an uneasy truce). They also have similar codas.

I strongly recommend both.


Perhap's not similar in story to "W.A.O.V.W.", but definately a "thinking persons" movie . . . The Swimmer (1968) with Burt Lancaster.


cat on a hot tin roof.


At the advice of people in this thread, I just watched The Boys in the Band. You'll absolutely love this movie if you like WAOVW. This is probably closest film to WAOVW that I've ever seen just off the top of my head and I'm glad I found out about it. Now I'm off to watch Suddenly Last Summer.


The Night of the Iguana

hit your crickets


"A Woman Under the Influence." I saw it years prior to this (though it came out the decade after WAoVW), and it was quite similar, in the deranged, broken, deeply psychological way.


The Lion In Winter (1968)




Similar movies? How about Aliens?
A lost patrol wanders into a situation they neglect to see as hostile and get swallowed up by a terror they could never predict.


Among the new ones

- Before Midnight (You might need to see the first 2 parts to appreciate it)
- Closer
- Revolutionary Road
