Not THE worst ever

But I think it's the third worst, right behind Monster-A-Go-Go and Birdemic. At least Manos had some sort of a coherent plot and a decent ending unlike M-A-G-G, and the acting, sound, and direction wasn't nearly as atrocious as Birdemic.

But it does deserve its spot in the bottom 100 and ranking as one of the worst movies ever.

Just my 2 cents.


There making a sequel, grown up Debbie will be in it and so will the original Master!!! Debbie aka Jackie is a very nice and classy women. I talk to her now and then on her Facebook.


I haven't seen Birdemic but Monster-A-Go-Go is a good contender for worst ever, as well. Hard to say which one of the two is the worst for me.


I can recall at least 10 movies worst than Manos. I know there's many more.
Manos is bad, but there are worst.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


I've watched several of the MST3K movies w/o MST3K. So far, the only one I *really* had trouble finishing was Wild World of Batwoman. That was just painful...
