MovieChat Forums > Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1967) Discussion > If there was a remake of the Dollars Tri...

If there was a remake of the Dollars Trilogy.

If there was a remake of the Dollars Trilogy who would star and Direct the movies.


If there was a remake of the Dollars Trilogy then;
Blondie is Hugh jackman
Tuco is Michael Rooker
Angel Eyes is Liam Neeson

Directed by
Clint Eastwood


The perfect, and I mean PERFECT, actor for Tuco would be Demian Bichir. He was basically doing a Tuco impression in Machete Kills, not a good movie but he was brilliant.

I think Oscar Isaac might be able to pull off a decent Angel Eyes. He might be too charismatic though. Jon Bernthal or Javier Bardem would provide more menacing options. Someone else mentioned Joaquin Phoenix which could work.

A Blondie recasting is tougher, I don't see any obvious choices. I have no idea how good Scott Eastwood is but he certainly has the look. Garret Hedlund, based on his performance in Inside Llewyn Davis, has the demeanor but he is too young. Perhaps a toned down version of Matthew McConaughey is best.

As for director, I'd feel most confident with the Coen Brothers behind the camera. Clint Eastwood is another logical choice.

My name's Plissken.


blondie - Hugh jackman

Tuco - Raymond Cruz

angel eyes - Bryan Cranston


Considering how many Batman/Dark Knight movies are out there, it's only a matter of time before someone suggests remaking/"rebooting" these titles with new casts. They created a sequel to Gone With The Wind in the 1980s and they created a TV show based on Casablanca in the same era. Those are both considered "untouchable," but that didn't stop studio hacks from milking the titles for more revenue. As long as the title lingers in the audience's memory, it still has some marquee value.

Having said that, I would not put any of today's crop of directors in charge of a rebooted Dollars trilogy.


I sure hope they do remake them one day. But it's getting to the point of all the new actors today that I really wouldn't want to see any of them in a classic remake. Lol


Satan...or some fat cat hollywood scumbag like Michael Bay.

Although if it was Christopher Nolan I'd buy like 500 tickets.


Director: Paul Thomas Anderson

Blondie: Kurt Russel
Tuco: Benicio Del Toro
Angel Eyes: Michael Parks

Meet me at the waterfront after the social.
