MovieChat Forums > Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1967) Discussion > If there was a remake of the Dollars Tri...

If there was a remake of the Dollars Trilogy.

If there was a remake of the Dollars Trilogy who would star and Direct the movies.


Their should never be a remake of these classics, but if their would be, I'd say Hugh jackmann and Quentin Tarantino


Their should never be a remake of these classics

Do you seriously not know the difference between "their" and "there" ?


I guess not. English and grammar have never been my strong suits.


Tarantino's not fit enough to lace Leone's boots. The films would consist of long, maudling "edgy" dialogue that got boring 20 years ago. The beauty of the Dollars trilogy is the story does the talking, along with the atmospherics. There's very little dialogue. Tarantino should stick to doing his asanine pulp projects and leave classics alone.

Duty Now For The Future


I take it you don't like Tarantino which is fine but please do not try to force your opinion on others.

Also for your information TGTB&T is Taranino's favourite film of all time and he's even tried to acquire the rights to it to prevent anyone from ever re-making and thereby protecting it's legacy it so show a little respect.


This is a forum where people express there opinions, and I gave mine. I'm not "forcing" it onto anyone. If you don't like my opinion then just ignore it, don't tell me how to behave. Who do you think you are, I think you're the one who needs to learn about respect, and start respecting other people's opinions for a start. Schmuck

Duty Now For The Future


God, Lord Jesus upon high. Please, please please never let anyone remake any Sergio Leone film.

Thank You.


I was going to say the same thing but I hope they never remake them. If they did remake them I'd love to see eastwood direct though


QT agreed, but Michael Fassbinder as Blondie/Man with no name...


Steve McQueen and Michael Fassbender to team up again would be my pick. Fassbender to play Angel Eyes and Matthew McConnaughey as Blondie. I really couldn't think of anyone to play Tuco, that role is played too perfectly to even imagine anyone else in there. Of course, with that said, the film as a whole is too perfect for a remake to be made.


Are you really serious? Steve McQueen has been dead for twenty five (25) years. Try to be a bit more factual.


Uh... I'm sure he was talking about a different Steve McQueen. There's been more than one Steve McQueen in the movie business. And since Michael Fassbender was mentioned with him as "teaming up again" in the post you responded to, that should have given you a hint of which Steve McQueen he was talking about (i.e. the director of 12 Years a Slave).

Easy mistake to make though, I understand .

Understanding is a three-edged sword.


Director: Clint Eastwood or Kevin Costner
Blondie: Bradley Cooper or Chris Hemsworth
Tuco: Johnny Depp or Michael Pena
Angel Eyes: Joaquin Phoenix


This trilogy should never ever be re-made but if someone were to remake it, my vote to play the role of blondie would be Timothy Olyphant(Deadwood, Justified).

The guy has the look, the walk, the voice and the acting chops to do it justice!


^^martinezral, NO! to BC or CH as Blondie. Neither has the death stare/cool factor required for this role. Although I do like both of these actors. Again, I say Michael Fassbinder....or wait for it....Ryan Gosling.

With Nicolas Winding Refn directing??


Then Tom Hardy in full Bronson mode as Tuco?


*LOL - Funny thread.
First 'rglasby' sticks it up 'ryleysawsome' regarding his grammar/spelling skills. I'm like, ok here's the grammar police jumping to action - again.
However, secondly 'ryleysawsome' admits to said deficiency.
Thirdly and finally 'ryleysawsome' sticks it to 'styleandsafety' about Steve Mcqueen being long dead.
*I simply found the exchange amusing.

Now to the topic at hand. I agree there/their/they're (heh-heh) should NEVER be a remake or re-imagining or reboot.

The 2003 Dolby Digital restoration with extended dialogue is all the further treatment this classic requires.



I would cry......literally, films such as this should NEVER BE REMADE!



Tarantino is not good for this...i prefer Robert rodriguez as director since u can find so much "Leone" in his Desperados

as actors:
Scott eastwood would be the best choice for the role of his legendary dad clin eastwood.
for angel ees i always imagine how perfect pierce brosnan with moustache is
and as for tuco,hmmm i choose danny trejo(The machette)


Clint Eastwood would have to direct the reboot of the series starring Christopher Pine as Blondie, Benecio Del Toro as Tuco, and Josh Brolin as Angel Eyes.


If they made ten remakes, odds are not one of them would reach the standard of this classic epic. Remaking a film such as this would be kind of like remaking Star Wars. Oh, wait - they did that last year didn't they? How did that turn out? Joking aside, Star Wars has, while it's kept its nice general feel, aged somewhat, since the genre relies on special effects. But let's face it, TGTBTU is fifty years old and still fresh.
