Favorite MST3K Quotes

I thought this episode was genius and there were so many awesome quotes, but here are some of my favorites:

"Tired of embarrassing sneg? Use Snegoff."

"Damn you, Shel Silverstein!"

"I am Mighty Elderly Man!"

"The traditional Running of the Clouseaus"

"Recorder music for young lovers"

"So, secret call?"

"Dad, Dad, I passed the bar"

"Voted Best Dressed Lab Tech"

"Drive while I do my grizzly bear impression"

"The old topknot seems to be in flames, old trench"

"Man, those Mexican banditos are bad!"

"He's pirating free tv"

"Gimmee that hundred you owe me or I'll break your darn kneecaps."

"My apologies for my odd performance"

Plus Bobo's Matlock-inspired opening statement during Mike's trial was awesome.


My favorite part of this episode was when Mike and the Bots would do the James Bond theme throughout. Every time they did I was cracking up!


(The director is Gerd Oswald)
Mike: Gerd your Oswald, this is gonna be a tough one.

Chance is making excuses for why Steffanik died...
Crow: Maybe you botched the case, Adam.

Mike: H.A.R.M. stands for hot and ready, man.

Servo voicing Chance's motorcycle: Harrrrrrrrrm, harrrrrrrrm...

Steffanik: Here is your answer.
(takes WAY too long opening the cabinet while Mike ad-libs)
"Yes, answer is coming...here is your answer...yes, any moment now..."

Steffanik and Chance are looking at a spored body in the morgue.
Steffanik: *Spore.*
(Chance turns to him with a REALLY confused look, which Crow interprets as sarcastic)
Crow (Chance): What is YOUR deal?"

(The bad guy watches the van drive away and executes a really obvious pivot-turn)
Servo: To the rear, hup!

And in conclusion, is Professor Bobo not BRILLIANT in this episode? :)


"Oh, you lucky trunks..." - "Get ready to gift wrap a beautiful package."
"Ocean's Two."
"Gentlemen, let's do some dry-cleaning."
Knock-knock. "Who is it?" - "Billy!" - "Can I play with your monkey?"
"Is there a stud here... besides me?" - "Agent from Panelcraft..."
"Five hours staring at the window finally pays off."


"Here's the windup....annnnd...smarm!
