MovieChat Forums > Star Trek (1966) Discussion > Freiberger & Gorn -- together again for ...

Freiberger & Gorn -- together again for the first time!

Comet is running the original MST3K episodes. Last night it showed one of Bert I Gordon's turkeys, Beginning of the End.

The screenplay (such as it is) is credited to Fred Freiberger and a Lester Gorn. What a coincidence!

If one ever doubted Freiberger's general lack of talent, this script richly demonstrates it. He has no idea how to pen compact, focused dialog, needlessly repeating stuff. And when characters argue, it sounds like eight-year-olds. ("Don't turn on the amplifier!" "Yes, I will. So there!"))

PS: Audrey Ames is presumably modeled after Margaret Bourke-White. She should have sued.


Funny, I saw that also. It was from 1957.


and the Mugatu was named after a character in Zoolander


Are you sure you've got your cause and effect right?


You give a 10 to an episode of Frazier yet think city on the edge of forever is terrible? you're insane


You give a 10 to an episode of Frazier yet think city on the edge of forever is terrible? you're insane
No, I simply have a good grasp of story telling and script writing. As I said, Ellison's version depends wholly on coincidence -- it isn't a real drama. If you'd like to see what Ellison should have written, I'll gladly send a copy.


It's a spy thriller got transformed into a romance. That's what you're not getting.


"Arena" was penned decades before Trek borrowed the idea and put it on screen. It was a short story and a comic book story with Adam Strange before Kirk got put in the lead role.

So it's not really Freiberger's creation, on any level.


Of course it isn't. I was punning on the alien species and Freiberger's co-writer.


not a very clever pun


"Humor. A difficult concept. It is not logical".

Anyway, I like puns.
