MovieChat Forums > Dark Shadows (1966) Discussion > The 'My Name Is Victoria Winters, and......

The 'My Name Is Victoria Winters, and... ' Game

We had a blast with this one before, until it fell victim to a data purge, so let's have another go at it. I'll start:

"My name is Victoria Winters, and... wha.. what's an 'incestor'?"


"My name is... um... ah...."


My name is Victoria Winters and I live in mansion known as Collinwood. It's a little bit like the hotel california because many, many guests have checked out but no one ever leaves......


"My name is Victoria Winters, and Maggie Evans and I love getting together for sleep-overs... but, like wow, does that ***** ever snore!"


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I really think I'm starting to build a rapport with David Collins... He's invited me to go planking this evening."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and my boyfriend is so nice... he's promised to buy me a new test strip after the one I was using turned blue."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and at first I was really scared to be in 1795, but my new friend, Angelique, is so nice..."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I'm still really upset that I now look like Mauser in Police Academy 3 because Lela Swift's excessive set lighting burned off my eyebrows."


“My name is Victoria Winters, and while walking on the beach, I’ve found an expensive-looking pen… I wonder how much I could get for this.”


"My name is Victoria Winters, and while I have only three dresses in my closet, I always have to ask Carolyn's advice on what to wear for a big date at the Blue Whale."

It is among Klingons that love poetry achieves its fullest flower.


My name is Victoria Winters. Darkness overtakes Collinwood and Miss's St'dd'd says I am naughty for stealing from the cookie jar...

Formerly KingAngantyr
