No Memorable Quotes??

I'm amazed that IMDB shows no memorable quotes for this film. While I haven't seen this film in quite a while, I recall that it was loaded with some very whitty dialogue.


My spirit has been renewed!!! I was beginning to think that nothing but the old lady sewing circle was writing on these boards and it's sooooo good to see that there are so many Loved One devotees here. Thank God there are still sick people in the world! My favorite was when he was talking about turning Whispering Glades into an old folks home and shooting them into space when they died. The Blessed Reverend said he would imagine that business would be "rather brisk." Also when the brother opens his fridge to get a beer and there's a dead chihuahua in there.
And Liberace telling that guy that rayon chafes. I could go on and on.


Even though it took me a while to fully grasp what goes on, I’ve been in love with this movie since I was a kid. I never miss it. For both visual and verbal wit, humor, creepiness, poignancy and ribaldry — all in one picture — nothing else quite compares to The Loved One.

Among the many aspects I enjoy about this film these lines always stand out:

An exchange as Dennis’ speculates about her income during his courtship of Thanatogenous —

“We could get married on that!”

“An American man would despise himself for living off of his wife!”

“But I’m English. We’ve abandoned such biases in the more developed civilizations.”


Sadie Blodgett’s (dead astronaut’s stripper widow) come on to young Dennis —

“Don’t call him a hero to me; I was there. Well, he fell off a barstool and broke his neck. That’s how it really happened. Of course they covered it up. Naturally then everybody said it was my fault, but I don’t see it that way. I think it’s the fault of the system; don’t you?’

‘Yes I do.’

“What’re you, English?”

‘Yes I am.’

“I like Englishmen. Have a drink?”


When The Blessed Reverend offers Miss Thanatogenous a drink —
“Perhaps some Benedictine. Made in a monastery by Trappist monks.”


Dennis putting the press on Joyboy —

"My dear sir, blackmail is not a word to be bandied about by gentlemen."


Finally, The close to the The Blessed Reverend’s speech for his first rocket ‘resurrection’ funeral:

"China may brainwash; Russia may educate but America breeds its genius."

“Your thinking is untidy, like most so-called thinking today.” (Murder, My Sweet)


"Same price as crows"
Jonathan Winters as Henry Glenworthy

Almost any line by Jonathan Winters as either character is quotable.


"He can put them into orbit ... orbit of eternal grace."


"You see the cranberry sauce?" Delivered by Mrs. Joyboy as she is on the floor clutching and eating a roasted turkey with a turned over refrigerator still partially on her.

