MovieChat Forums > The Last Man on Earth (1964) Discussion > What would YOU do if you were the last p...

What would YOU do if you were the last person on earth?

I just finished watching the movie again so I wanted to comment.

While watching this, I get SO distracted because I think about what I would do if I were the last person on earth. I even talked about it with my husband.

In my head - my dog has survived with me. So Foxy and I search for a car Cadillac dealership so I can get my dream vehicle...a black Escalade. But...any color would do.

I would then stop off at the mall, get a bunch of comfortable clothes like sweatpants, t-shirts, shorts and sneakers. I would also pick up a couple of coolers and some CDs.

I would definitely start smoking again. I smoked for 13 years and quit a couple of months ago but hey...if I'm the last person on earth, really...who cares if I get lung cancer in 25 years.

I would stock up on some snacks, dog food for Foxy, water, diet soda and alcohol (including vodka and a ton of Coors Light).

Since we live in MA, we would start heading south. Who wants to live in New England?!?! I am heading to warm climates!!

I would stop at any and all amusement parks on the way - figure out how to run the rollercoasters and take a few rides.

The ultimate destination would be Florida...simply for Universal Studios & Island of Adventure, and all the Disney Parks. (I am assuming I can figure out how to run all of the rides and that electricity is still working).

I'd definitely find some fields "of green" if you know what I mean. My dog and I would be relaxing on the beach until it was all over.

Hopefully, either my husband or perhaps Rob Zombie are also alive to keep me company. ;-)

I've had a few drinks so I know I've rambled. But it was fun to think about this kind of stuff.

Break me off a piece of that exoskeleton.







I'd paint and read--I might get bored with both eventually, but it would be a long time before I did. Maybe I'd write down everything I could recall about life on earth before the apocalypse in case anthropologists from another planet ever landed (assuming they could figure out how to decipher earth languages, of course).

In heaven everything is fine.


If I still had electricity, I'd have DVDs & video game systems as well as all the books I could ever read.

Plus there would be the necessary tasks like searching for food, starting a farm, sleeping, etc.

"America isn't ready for a gay, mexican chicken sandwich" - Poultrygeist


I would stop at every single grocery store on the way to Florida, and pick up every single Slim Jim, 5th Avenue and Skor bar I could find, then sail to the Bahamas and eat lobster and candy bars every day while drinking Pina Coladas.

Snakes....I hate snakes


I love LAST MAN ON EARTH and would not change anything about the movie itself. But it is fun to play "If I woke up in Morgan's shoes":

--I would forget about trying to rid the entire city of zombies; the population of Los Angeles in 1960 was 2,479,015. Why not just look in the yellow pages under "electric cattle fences" and devote all those long daytime hours into creating a really first-class home fortress? Since these zombies are not bright and not physically coordinated, much like cows, I think this would be an effective deterrent. Also, the very occupation of creating a top-notch fortress would be something that you could take pride in, a hobby that would continually spark your creativity and problem solving capabilities, keeping your mind occupied and providing a sense of victory in life. Every day you could evaluate and fine-tune your system, until it was utterly perfect; the feeling of satisfaction would chase away some of the black clouds. Also, you would have every hardware store in greater Los Angeles at your disposal.

--I would scour Ford dealerships until I found an F-350 four-wheel drive pickup truck with dual gas tanks, snowplow, and a winch. When you came across an offending zombie corpse you could simply plow it to the side of the road without getting dirty or ruffled unduly. If you felt compelled (why?) to haul the corpses to the fire-pit... hauling them in a station wagon, the zombie corpses would stink for sure. Why be a glutton for punishment; driving around in a "hearse" seems to me a recipe for needless depression. Throw the zombie corpses in the back of your F-350, smile, and ride in comfort. (I would obtain some heavy mechanic's coveralls to wear when handling zombie corpses or making fire-pit visits.)

--I would make use of all the high-powered automatic weaponry that is now available to me FOR FREE

--CRUSH the garlic bulbs and they will be 10,000 times more pungent. Also, employ the use of McCormick/Schilling's powdered garlic, sprinkling it around the same way as ORTHO ROUNDUP or making a solution and spraying it, a la Hartz Cat NO!. Also, you could get a really nice, large RIVAL CROCK-POT and keep a perpetual GARLIC bean soup brewing on the front porch; delicious and aromatic --and you need something to eat for dinner, anyways. In fact, seeing that the price of meat and wine is no issue, you could turn the whole thing into a luxurious CASSOULET, thus distracting yourself from sorrow by learning a great classic from the annals of French gastronomy. I am surprised Vincent Price did not think of this.

--Place the mirrors under a sheet of plexiglass to render them shatter-proof. You could obtain large sheets of heavy plexiglass and affix them to the house with bolts to cover the window openings. Then you could open the window from the inside to put the mirror in place.

--take a neighbor's car, drive until you found a full gasoline tanker truck, and DRIVE the tanker to the house. (Same with propane and H20; I assume the municipal water supply is shot.)

--become a gardening expert; those rotting zombie corpses might make great fertilizer

--Assuming there is no running water, I would get a large, dark-colored kiddie pool and let the water heat in the sun, for bathing in. Really, since you had all the time in the world, you could devise all sorts of clever passive solar devices to heat your bathing water.

--I would devote myself afresh to studying my Bible, and take comfort that many heroes of the faith weathered long periods of exile, including Saint John.

--maybe find a three-story tri-plex apartment building, and take residence in the top story. All you would need to secure and defend is the entrance stairs. The elevation would mute some of the annoying night-time zombie noises.

--the setting is Los Angeles; why not just migrate to Bel Air and move on to one of those estates already protected by a 12 foot fence?

--move to Kalvesta, Kansas --hardly any population there, human or otherwise


I would probably develop a tendency towards bestiality.
