Favourite Quote...

Anyone have a favorite quote from Marnie? The film is full of neat little quips, especially from Mark. Mine would have to be:
(After Marnie and Marks encounter with Strutt at the party)

Mark: "5 Minutes! Iam five minutes behind you, and in those 5 minutes, you've got yourself up like a cat burglar, and packed for a world cruise!"

Just the WAY he says it...Its just so great!

Anyone else have a favorite?



Marnie: You're so hot to play Mental Health Week...


speaking of quotes:

Konstantin Gropper aka Get Well Soon used some of the best on the final song of his 2012 album

Get Well Soon - You cannot cast out the demons (you might as well dance)

watch at:

some at the start, some at the 2min mark, a few in between
