Young Dan'el Boone?

I seem to recall that 20th Century-Fox tried in vein to get some more mileage out of their popular series by coming up with this 'prequel' series sometime in the mid/late 70s. It was supposed to be Daniel Boone as a teenager. I think it ran for about a month and died of lonliness.

Anyone else remember this atrocity?


I remember it. It only lasted for a few episodes on CBS before being canceled in the fall of 1977. Rick Moses played Daniel Boone and Devon Ericson played Rebecca Bryan. Daniel and Rebebbca were not married yet in this show.

My best memory of the program was a statement in TV Guide by one of the producers when the show was about to go on the air. He said that "In this series, fights would be brief and clean and would be decided by grace and skill, rather than by picking up a tree limb and clubbing someone over the head with it." I remember thinking after seeing that quote, that this series would never make it.


The weird thing about that is that this series should have been set in the mid/late 70s(based on Fess Parker's age). Daniel looks great for a man in his late 60s.


I think I caught an episode or two.
