
If I remember correctly both Shock Corridor and The Naked Kiss were banned in the UK when they first came out. I think they had a very limited release as a double bill sometime in the early 70s.



Watching Shock Corridor now, it's hard to see what made the movie so controversial. Other than Cathy's stripper being a regular human woman instead of some kind of degraded sex monster.

Guess Sam Fuller was decades ahead of his time. Too advanced for 1960s censors to handle. I have no doubt movie goers could handle the movie.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


It was banned in the UK until 1990.


It was banned in the UK until 1990.

Do you know what content was so objectionable? Why the censors thought adults couldn't handle the movie?


No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Probably the subject matter. There was no reason given.


Makes sense. Sam Fuller didn't kiss the establishment's ass.
