
I recorded this on tv and the dvr cut off the end right after Mother Maria and Homer were sitting at the table. She said "Then it is all finished" and he replied "It is finished. I done builded you a shapel." I don't want to rent it just for the last 5 minutes or whatever was left. Can anyone tell me what happened after that?




Homer got the sisters to start singing the "Amen" song. He helped them along for a bit, then slipped out the door. He kept singing as he got to his car and started loading it up. The camera kept flashing to Mother Maria to let us know that she realized that Homer was leaving for good. At the end, Homer drives off and a big "AMEN" comes on the screen.


Thanks so much! :o)


I wanted a better ending; I had hoped Homer would leave as Mass was beginning but he left the night before. The screen play is quite different from the book; the book is better than the movie. It is nice to see movies like this that are without violence and sex. A classic anyway.



The ending really touched my heart. Especially the part when he starts to drive off in the night and he takes one last look at the chapel....I got a lump in my throat during that scene.


I felt that in a way.
