MovieChat Forums > Hud (1963) Discussion > Cool Hand Luke or Hud?

Cool Hand Luke or Hud?

Sorry if this has already been posted, if it has I could not find it. Which movie did everyone like better? Cool Hand Luke is my all time favorite movie, but a friend of mine told me that this one was better. I own both, but I have not seen Hud. And don't gripe at me and tell me to just watch the movie. I plan on watching it but I do not want to get my hopes up about it being better and then not like it because its not. Thanks!


Ok, so I watched Hud. I have to say without a doubt that ,while Hud was great, that Cool Hand Luke was better by far. Though Hud is now one of my favorites too.


I agree. Both are great...Cool Hand Luke just seems to have something extra.

He said it's all in your head, and I said, so's everything--
But he didnt get it.


I prefer Hud, he's so good in that film. he is an absolute B A S TA R D in that film and juxtaposed to Cool Hand Luke and Butch Cassidy, you cant get a better potrayal of brooding resentment from Newman. There is so much tension in Hud and all the performances from the main casr are brilliant.


Make it a trifecta and watch "Hombre" as well...


I liked Hud better, I identified more with that character so for me on a personal level I prefer it, not that I'm saying it's better to everyone else, just for me it was.


It may just be that I saw Cool Hand Luke first and have become a little biased. Not sure exactly, but both movies are great!!!



Hud without a doubt !

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me


Hud. Cool Hand Luke doesn't have Patricia Neal in it.


"Cool Hand Luke". I love "Hud", Paul Newman is my absolute favorite actor, and it's hard to decide. But "Cool Hand Luke" is indeed one of my ten favorite films and Paul Newman should've easily won a oscar for it.


You have a fine taste in actors Wazzup. Glad you have caught on to how wonderful Mr Newman is


Well, I like most of the people here, am a struggling actor, and I pay attention to these things.


Hud, by far.

well, for me, the action is the juice.


Both are excellent films, and along with "The Hustler" comprise Newman's 3 top performances.
In my opinion, "Cool Hand Luke" is the better film, however Newman gives his best perfomance ever in "Hud".

Best Paul Newman films: (IMO)
1) Cool Hand Luke
2) Hud
3) The Hustler
4) The Sting
5) Nobody's Fool (the presence of Paul Newman and Jessica Tandy put this in the top 5).
6) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
7) Hombre
8) The Verdict
9) Road to Perdition
10) The Color of Money


I just got done watching the last 20 minutes of Hud, after seeing the entire film for the first time about three month ago. I saw Cool Hand Luke in theater when it first came out and it has always been one of my favorie movies. Given the themes, the risks Newman took, and the fact that it precedes Cool Hand, I have to give Hud the nod. I gain more respect for Paul Newman, the more of his films I see. There are some great scenes in Nobody's Fool.




Cool Hand Luke is a good movie but Hud is a great one.

"The cha cha is no more ridiculous than life itself."


Hud. Although it's not an ensemble piece, it would be hard to find another film with such outstanding supporting performances as those given by Patricia neal, Melyvn Douglas, and Brandon DeWilde. All Oscar-worthy! Plus yet another nifty character role by Whit Bissel.


Actually, the best acting Paul Newman ever did, was in Slap Shot. The dialogue in Hud is first rate. I would rate Hombre number two.


Cool Hand Luke for mine.


I cant believe you guys have skipped over one of Paul Newmans best performances (IMO) "The Long Hot Summer". Any Paul Newman fan would have to rate this one up there near the top!


Hud is no doubt the best movie ever made.

Take the sinners away from the saints and you'd be lucky to end up with Abraham Lincoln.- Hud


"Hud", I didn't really care for "Cool Hand Luke".
