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In the US: Turner Classic Movies Shows Bernard Hermman Movies in December

It is December 5, 2020 as I post this, and Turner Classic Movies is running a promotion in December. Once a week, on Wednesday evenings into late night (or maybe Thursday, I can check again)...they are running movies scored by Bernard Herrmann.

The promotion is called " Spotlight of the Month: Bernard Herrmann" and it is illustrated by a brief re-do of how his credit appears in (wait for it) ...Psycho: splitting apart, sliding into place, and splitting apart again. TCM gets it: when most movie folks think Bernard Herrmann, they think: Psycho.

And yet. A brief flash of clips on the commercial promoting Herrmann in the spotlight have clips from Citizen Kane and Jason and the Argonauts and Taxi Driver, too. A nice long run, Benny had(even if some of it was in exile after Hitchcock fired him.) In one match-up in the commercial, James Stewart rises upright and terrified in bed(from his nightmare in Vertigo) and..suddenly there is Anthony Perkins looking out from under furrowed brown with leer in the cell in Psycho. (Hey...if there's one SHOT in movie history that should have won the actor an Oscar, this is it.) There's also a quick shot of Tippi Hedren's head rising up and peeping out from the motorboat in The Birds.

I love how TCM mashes these clips together -- in the same "December" mash-up the Singin in the Rain trio dance over a couch and it starts to fall..and Cary Grant and Kate Hepburn finish the same shot in THEIR clip.

It looks like each week, they will cover Herrmann films in chronological order, for the most part. This last week they started with "The Devil and Daniel Webster"(Herrmann's only Oscar win), then Citizen Kane, then The Magnificent Ambersons...then On Dangerous Ground...then The Snows Of Kilimanjero.

I have not looked at the schedule, but I would assume that they'll get to the "Hitchcock Herrmann's" (one night, or two?) and the "Harryhausen Herrmanns" and then maybe finish up with "the new guys" (DePalma and Scorsese; Sisters, Obsession and Taxi Driver.)

Anyway, while I suppose they have run Herrmann marathons's your chance in 2020 to take a nice long look...and have a nice long Bernard Herrmann. (With host intros and outros with all the Herrmann trivia.)
