RIP Marsha Hunt

Marsha Hunt died on September 7th at the age of 104. If you don't remember, she played Benedict 'Ben' Fields (Philip Abbott)'s wife Francesca Fields in 'ZZZZZ'. What I found highly interesting was finding out that Marsha Hunt was another alumnus of "The Outer Limits" that had a run-in with the HCUA. She apparently got onto a list a people who were suspected of having Communist sympathies (for details on why she got blacklisted, see her Wikipedia article at,_born_1917)#Hollywood_blacklist). I wonder how many others (besides Jeff Corey) who suffered a similar fate were featured on this series?

Anyway, here is article I read where it talks a little about this aspect of Ms Hunt:


And here is a movie she did back in 1936 when she was only 19 years old which is kind of interesting. More Twilight Zone like than "The Outer Limits"ish though, called The Accusing Finger:
