never on tv

why isn't this shown on tv? Beverly hills cop is on 5 times a week.
Very entertaining movie from the 60's.


Don't know how many will see this since the original post was about 6 years ago, but if you get the THISTv channel in your area, check for it there. In the last few months they've run it at least once every 2 weeks, and in fact, it'll be coming up again this week according to the commercials. Good luck!


It is streaming on Netflix


It was om TCM last month. I remember seeing it years and years ago on ABC's Sunday Night Movie but I had forgotten the story. This film should be shown more often. Yul Brynner playing the father of Tony Curtis? Win! Win! The story and the action scenes were good.

You have the right to remain silent because whatever you say will probably be stupid anyway!


Was on tv years ago when Sunday night was movie night. On now a lot more, and on TCM and now watching on this tv. A very under-appreciated film. Yul Brunner always great, Curtis not bad and a great cast.
