Madame Spivy

Even though she was only in one scene, she was memorable as the bartender (she's listed a a "bouncer" in the cast list). Real tough lady, with tatooted arms and a menacing presence. Director Frankenheimer must like her, because he also cast her in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.


I like the name. Sounds like a Slavic countess or a sexy Russian spywoman,

My votes:


Yeah, I suppose the name may sound sexy and mysterious, but "she" was the antithesis of sexy, to be sure (shudders).


She was also compelling opposite Jackie Gleason and Anthony Quinn in "Requiem for a Heavyweight".


She was also great in John Frankenheimer's other great 1962 film "The Manchurian Candidate" as one of the "Flower Club Ladies". Spivy is great!

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´When You Save One Life, You Save the Entire World!


Yeah! She was Ma Greenie. She was head of a New York gang that fixed boxing matches. One tuff dameshe was.

"You better take a real good look in that mirror Maish, it will remind you of what you look like after your dead". Is what she told Gleason's character, Maish.

She was a real bar owner in NYC. The bars name was Spivy's Roof. 


Don't forget "Specialty of the House," Alfred Hitchcock Presents.


I thought she was a dude at first. Scary woman.
