Giant Bees

This was a great scean along with the attack of the Giant Bird. I loved the characters (herbert and elena)they were so cute together. I mean if you were a giant bird would'nt you want to eat them? Back to the Bees!! I loved Ray Harryhausen's special effects espacialy the stop motion. He is a genius. And the Bees sealing in this cute young couple who are barely dressed is way hot. I wonder what this scean would look like in a remake. Who would play (herbert and elena). Giant bees and sexy, tiny humans. Great film!!
Any comments?



just saw the first part of the TV remake , great cast (except vinnie jones) dire piece of film making.


Scene is spelled scene, not scean.


Who cares how they spelled it. We all understood what the poster was saying.
Get a life dude! Now go back to your little teacher's desk and correct the spelling errors. By the way that was a classic SCENE!


What's with you? Can't you spell either?? Sure struck a nerve with you!

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Well, it's certainly a good thing you straightened that out, do you feel better now?


Well, the incredible amount of spelling errors and poor English here do really get annoying sometimes, and do tend to subtract from the credibility of the poster, because one keeps on imagining a "duh" on the end of each sentence.


let me see you type chineese, then complain.

If you want horror - tune in the news channel.


There. Happy? Now let me see you spell "Chinese", and I will stop complaining.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


lol! Actually it's spelled "Chinese".

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


"If only we had spelled bee correctly, these giant bees wouldn't be attacking us!"


I loved the Bees and hive and the giant bird. I could imagine a giant prehistoric bird wouls have eaisly grabed the two young lovers and make a easy meal out of them. I loved the way the giant bees chased Herbert and Elena into the cave. Like two idots the young couple runs to the hive and thinks, "hey lets hind in here". Of coarse the giant bee is going to seal them up. That was a hot scene. Excellent special effects, for that time. As far as a remake. I think Elena could be Lindsey Lohan and Herbert could be played by football player Jeremy Bloom.I could see Jeremy Bloom sealed in a giant beehive!!



I think young Herbert was scared. The bug was huge if Hebert had tried to hurt it the bug could eaisly kill the little man. I guess Herbert and Elena were ment to be food for the larve. Or maybe just sealed away so they could not harm the hive. Its a great part of the movie. I loved the love story of Herbert and Elena and I love the giant monsters!!


Course, I was wondering why they went into the hive in the first place. If I saw honey trickling down a mountain, I just dont think I want to see one of those bees (at least not without getting a bigger shoe to stomp it with, LOL)

Actually, I tend to like old movies like these. And this was actually the part I remember most from it. That and the "giant chicken" attack.


Gordon P. Clarkson

I would warm to the idea if Lohan was repeatedly stung by a swarm of the Giant Bees !


I always get a nervous reaction when watching insects in mpovies or tv. My scalp and skin starts getting all itchy and irritable. It wasn't *too* bad with this scene, but other scenes with strong buzzing and a lot of crawling insects can get me really irritated.

Die Gerdanken Sind Frei (My Thoughts Are Free) - a WWII protest song


It wasnt a giant prehistoric bird! It was a chicken, bred Hybrid style by nemo to feed the poorer countries. No a bad idea in todays famine ridden continents.
Anyway its a great movie. Kinda flawed in places but wot the hell !!!
James mason was the best Nemo tho.


It WASN'T a chicken, funny guy. It was based on a prehistoric bird.

Here's the link:

Didn't look ANYTHING at all like a chicken, anyway, so how ANYONE could claim it was chicken is beyond me. Seriously.


Ray Harryhausen has often referred to it as a "chicken", in a joking manner.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


Originally the giant bird and the other giant creatures were supposed to be prehistoric. After the stop-motion sequences had already been completed, the script was changed, adding the angle that Capt. Nemo had bred these giant animals to help feed the world. So I guess the audience was supposed to assume the Phorohacos was simply a giant chicken (the music cue for that sequence suggests the movement and scratching of chickens), even though it looks NOTHING like a chicken. Well, maybe the Demon Chicken from Hell!

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


Somewhere on here I read it referred to as a dodo bird. It does remind me of the one I saw on Bewitched and that fits better than a chicken does.


The remake with Patrick Stewart just plain sucked.

A Beth Rogan type girl in a skimpy cave girl outfit might have saved it, but noooooooooooo.

A little cheese cake, a little less political correctness, and a musical score that sounded a little like the original might have done wonders.

I mean everything that makes the original so re-watchable is missing out of the remake.

You see the remake once and that's it-- never agin. No point. Then you go back to the classic every now and then.


They DID do a remake, and it sucked.

It starred Patrick Stewart.

It was dull, boring, and pointless. No great score. No cheescake, nothing.

It was so forgettable that many people are not even aware a remake exists.



First of all>>>>>>>>> The Giant Crab is so so good. The Giant Bird is deffinitly a pre historic bird meshed with a chicken, The Bee combs and the Bees so great NO MORE REMAKES OF ANY 3STAR*** MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
