MovieChat Forums > The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961) Discussion > Best moment in the entire series

Best moment in the entire series

There's a lot of good ones-- Laura sliding out on the river of walnuts, Allen Brady complaining to his toupee heads, Pickles blubbering...I think the best quick take in the whole show is in "The Impractical Joke", where Rob starts getting the idea he's being played and it cuts back to Phil Franklin on the other end, smiling like "Yep! You are!"


I love the whole episode "Too Many Stars" where Laura is certain she's going to get the lead in their community theatre production because Rob is directing. The moment where she's blown out of the water by a dark-horse auditioner is hilarious, and the scene between her and Rob when they're finally left alone together after the audition...

The way Rob milks that scene is delicious, the way he torments Laura: "She fooled everybody, Honey. You come out and sing great and dance great, people are GONNA think you're talented. She didn't fool me, though. Not for one minute. I saw through her. You take away all that fabulous dancing, all that great singing, what is there left? Nothing but that... haunting beauty."

And Millie's audition song was the best! I'd like to audition using this song someday:

"You saw me standing 'neath the sun and the stars, and I was something to see, but you took hold of my aching heart and kicked it right in the knee...."


Oh my goodness! There are so many.
-The episode "Pink Pills And Purple Parents" is amazing from start to finish.
-The part when Jerry and Millie walk in to find Laura with the inflated boat, and start laughing uproarously and in the same episode Rob, Sally, and Buddy creating the sketch is hilarious ("The Curious Thing About Women")
-The part on "The Talented Neighborhood" when Rob and Laura have to endure an entire opera
Mrs Kendall: "And say goodnight to Mrs. Petrie for me. I do hope her headache goes away."
Rob: "I think it's going."
-Anything with Stacey Petrie but specifically the scene where Stacey keeps shouting "Nobody knows how I feel" ("Stacey Petrie: Part II")
-In "My Husband Is Not A Drunk" when Jerry is hypnotized also when Millie is hypnotized and thinks that Jerry is Rock Hudson.
-When Mel comes in and starts giving all the different spellings Rob and Laura could use if they named their baby Alan ("What's In A Middle Name")
-I adore every second of "Somebody Has To Play Cleopatra", I always loved the episodes dealing with the PTA.
-The Charades scene in "All About Eavesdropping"
-I loved "Big Max Calvada". "I don't know, the kid still cracks me up".
-the scene where Jerry and Rob are going back and forth and blaming each other for everything that went wrong in the episode "The Ballad Of The Betty Lou"
-I've loved "The Ghost Of A. Chantz" since I was a kid, it still creeps me out even though I know the ending.
-The ending of "The Impractical Joke" when the fake guy from the IRS says "And scream like a chicken" is so epic.
-Ofcourse every bit of "Coast To Coast Big Mouth" is amazing.
-I loved "The Great Petrie Fortune", I always loved the episodes where there is a little mystery incorporated in it.
-The scene where Rob, Buddy, and Sally read all the marriage proposals for Sally.
-Any episode with Alan Brady is fun.
-"The Gunslinger" was hilarious.


Absolutely love "Pink Pills for Purple Parents"!! I think it really cemented Mary Tyler Moore's comedic abilities for me. I especially like the scenes where she comes in singing "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" and skips around tossing ice cream- "One for Robbie, one for Moo-moo, one for Daddy!"...and especially the look on her face as she slides under the table to look for her "spoonie".


The game of 'Charades' in 'All About Eavesdropping'. A great episode, which also says thoughtful things about friendship.

....stomp, walk...walk all over people! -goose-step!!


My favorite scene and the one I have found most memorable is in "Odd but True." Rob is in the producer's office to have his freckles in the shape of the Liberty Bell when a huge ruckus erupts in the waiting room outside. The soon discover that the dog who had not eaten in three years has eaten off the head of the potato shaped like a duck. Of course, now the dog has eaten and the potato no longer looks anything like a duck. That commotion causes the man who has walked on his hands to the studio from New York City, or Boston, or somewhere else far away to fall over. All three of them have their "Odd but True" artifact or accomplishment spoiled.

It also turns out that Millie and Laura added the crack to Rob's Liberty Bell shaped freckles, so the producer's of "Odd but True" lose all interest in him.

I laughed my butt off.

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


I watch the Christmas episode every year. I think Ritchie's singing "Little Drummer Boy " is wonderful. Innocent and heartfelt, sung like a real kid would, which is the point of the song. The other numbers are great, too


Maybe not the funniest moment but certainly Dick's most endearing moment. He has just heard a song he wrote n the radio, 'Bupkis' and gets up and dials the station immediately (forgetting to look up the number in the phone book) So AFTER dialing he pretends to look up the number and ad libs "Yep, that's it" and you can see he's smiling and savvy people in the studio audience are laughing. CUTE MOMENT!


I always liked the elevator scene in 4 1/2. Also great were the two different versions of the argument Rob and Laura had in The Night the Roof Fell In.
