

roger1 here (still, sadly, not the ecarle of yesteryear.)

And...thank you.

Lest I mention that I'm lucky to punctuate ANYTHING correctly in these posts? They aren't for publication or even grades.

Still, sloppiness is sloppiness. I flat out had no idea about the 20s, 50s, etc -- and (this is key) I was too lazy to type out ENTIRE WORDS (twenties, fifties) that would have avoided the problem.

Same : too lazy to put the periods in LA.


But wait, it gets worse: I've had trouble getting into this site. Right now, I can't come in from my cell phone -- and that's how I USED to "clean up posts" after I read them if I was travelling , on the road, away from my desktop, etc.

So now, I send out a post and if I go away and look at the post and see the mistakes -- I can't fix them until I get back to the desktop.

Its very frustrating to see a bunch of misspellings(usally because of typing speed, not knowledge) and knowing that I can't FIX them. I TRY to edit as best I can before the post goes out but...nope.

A scary thing emerging in my older age: sometimes I type the wrong WORD entirely. I intend to type "paper" and out comes "port" or something entirely wrong. I think its a brain thing.

Finally over on the Jaws Board I was writing about Universal exec Sid Sheinberg and his patronage of young director Steven Spielberg. Spielberg hired MRS. Sheinberg to play Mrs. Brody(the police chief's wife in Jaws) and I typed this:

"Sheinberg may have helped Spielberg on Jaws because he hired Mrs. Spielberg to play the chief's wife."

Well..an obvious error but hey -- Spielberg and Sheinberg aren't THAT far off, yes?

Problem was: the mistake was left hanging out there a week until I could get back to the desktop.

So...apologies all around. I will try to do better. And properly thinking through and editing these posts really does...keep me young!



Hey, I had a question.

Since you have been on the original IMDB chat boards since the late 90s, can you tell me about your experiences back then(when the film discussion boards started I mean)?


"It was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."


Go on.


Horrorlover656, I'll be frank:

I thought your question was somewhat of a put on. I'm a sensitive soul at heart(so I really shouldn't be at the sometimes hyper-vicious youth flame zone of MC, I suppose)...I felt some mockery. Between IMDb and Moviechat, I've been around a long time, I know.

But it has been a nice exercise, and over time , I DID develop a strategy:
rather than just reviewing or arguing about films, I have tried to put out there a certain "I was there" history of how movies were shown and lined up for(Psycho, The Exorcist), and viewed and discussed over the decades. I also try to share things I've read in books about movies.

And sometimes, I try to make a statement. I am fairly proud that I have managed to put out into the idea marketplace the FACT that Hitchcock did NOT intend to surprise audiences with his shower murder in Psycho. Rather, way back in 1960 when he released Psycho the public, he made a trailer that was CENTERED on the fact that his new movie Psycho HAD a shower murder in it, and concluded with a re-do OF the shower scene.

But many "film scholars" never saw that 1960 trailer and promulgated a basic LIE about the shower murder that persists to this day.

And for me: "Hitchcock wanted to surprise audiences with his shower murder" IS a lie, carried forward for decades that links to EVERY OTHER PUBLIC LIE that we have had to hear over the decades as well. it is symbolic of ALL public lies.

So I got that said. Ha.


I don't think I go back to the 90s with IMDb. I recall posting something about Psycho(Norman's clean-up scene) at IMdb when I moved from one city to another...in 2007. The "Norman Cleans Up" post was my first post made from the new location. So that's back to 2007.

As I recall, IMDb didn't have a "message boards" type thing in the beginning. Rather, they allowed for short "user reviews" that still remain at IMDb today (you can find a real old one there from me about Hotel of 1967, for instance.) I would suppose that in addition to killilng off the IMdb message boards(was that done in 2017?) IMDb has "frozen" the user boards?



A number of us gratefully switched to Moviechat when the IMDb boards closed down. And then, after awhile, Moviechat guru "Jim" moved a lot of the old IMdb message boards archives TO Moviechat. Its sort of nifty to see old posts where people were trying to stop the IMDb shutdown and then to find another place to go. And here we are.

Back to IMDb: lest you think that I only like to post about Psycho, there were some great threads at IMdb about a 1967 Paul Newman Western called "Hombre." I posted on "Hombre" a lot. The folks that posted over there(less me) seem to have disappeared but what a great group that was, in that time. The IMDb "Hombre" threads have been largely transferred to Moviechat.

Its nice to revisit the Hombre threads from time to time(Psycho and Hombre shared only one thing -- Martin Balsam -- but he is great in both films.)

I guess that's all I got, but it is nice to have Moviechat now, and I think a number of us know that the Psycho board has been allowed to chat quite a bit OT...and I for one use this board(with its often older-aged posters) to talk about movies in general but in a very specific WAY--as seen by people who understand about the primacy of Psycho -- and Hitchcock -- to film history.


