MovieChat Forums > Psycho (1960) Discussion > OT: Chazelle on First and Last scenes

OT: Chazelle on First and Last scenes

IMDb's Psycho board had many nominally OT (Off-Topic) threads. These were controversial: a few people really resented their presence. So... I'm testing the waters here.

NY Magazine has an interesting loose interview with La La Land director, Damian Chazelle, about the importance of First and Last scenes for his own films and for movies generally here.
Hitchcock, of course, worked very hard on his own first and last scenes, and Psycho is no exception. So people can jump off from Chazelle's discussion to Psycho if they want. Chazelle's also likely to win the Best Director Oscar that eluded Hitchcock (and Kubrick and Altman and Hawks and Aldrich and Lynch and Tarantino and...) this weekend, so there are further off-ramps that could make this thread only nominally OT (Psycho connects to almost everything if you try). But Chazelle's discussion is pretty interesting in its own right, e.g., he cites Last of the Mohicans (1992)'s final scene as a model (I remember that as a good film but I don't specifically recall the ending - will rewatch!), so it's fine by me if people leave any relevance to Psycho and Hitchcock implicit.




IMDb's Psycho board had many nominally OT (Off-Topic) threads. These were controversial: a few people really resented their presence. So... I'm testing the waters here.


Well, we shall see. I bow to authority on these matters, but I think what we did there was to use Psycho as a "jumping off point" for some er, "mature" people to discuss OT topics without risking the flaming and trolling of boards where the younger blood hangs out.

One reason I liked using "Psycho" AS the jumping off point was that I felt a category like "General Film" or "Classic Film" was a bit too broad to just put any old movie in there. With "Psycho" as the spine -- "every movie made after it has a bit of Psycho in it," said one wag-- we could gather discussions of both old AND new movies in one place.

And I always made sure to do one "pure Psycho" post before doing an OT.


It strikes me as an inherent "marker of Oscar's wrongness" that Mr. Chazelle, however deserving, will win a Best Director Oscar that eluded Hitchocck and Kubrick and Altman and Hawks and Aldrich and Lynch and Tarantino and...Welles and hell, for that matter Preminger and Frankenheimer and Siegel.

Its as if Oscar ended up being a repository for too many "functional middlebrow" director wins...oftimes directors who wouldn't win again or even direct much again(John Avildsen and Franklin Shaffer come to mind). And oftimes, directors winning for the WRONG film (i.e. Scorsese for The Departed, which would have been what would have happened if Hitchcock won for Frenzy, for which he wasn't even nominated anyway.)
