MovieChat Forums > Pollyanna (1960) Discussion > I can barely watch it....

I can barely watch it....

I just read this book about a week ago and decided to watch the movie again which I haven't seen in a very long time. I can't even get through it, it is so unlike the book! There are so many jumbled parts, weird things added in, and Pollyanna's personality is COMPLETELY different!! Examples: she doesn't say a word the whole car ride home, stands there when meeting Aunt Polly (in the book Aunt Polly doesn't even get a look at Pollyanna before she is hanging around her neck!), and what was with her treatment of Jimmy Bean??? "Go away from me little boy!"?? Please!! In the book she was trying to get him to talk to her!!!

Now I KNOW that when you make a movie out of a book you have to cut things and some things do need to change, but whoooaaaa.... you would think the scriptwriters read Cliffs notes!
Are there any book lovers out there that are just as appalled as I am???


I guess I'm glad I never read the book because I love this movie.


i love the book so much! I borrowed it out yesterday and have been reading it since. If they scriptwriters took the whole and true character of POllyanna from the book and put her on screen, i think it would just be too sickly sweet :D but i do love it!
And how could someone not speak to someone for fifteen years! even if they were jilted and still have clandestine feelings for each other! 15 years! I mean what on EARTH did they fight about?! I'm hoping to find a copy of another Pollyanna movie version in my library which I've heard is a bit truer to the book.
Yeah they completely changed it all, the whole accident and everything. at the moment I'm trying to convert the two of them together to write a musical version of it but they're just so different. I like the movie too though. Jane Wyman is awesome!

"It's not appropiate for royalty to jingle"


" I'm trying to convert the two of them together to write a musical version "

I see you posted this long ago... but just to mention ...there is a musical version... the 1989 Polly


I remember as a little kid being shocked at my teacher's disdain for Disney and how he/they messed up classic books and changed I understand but can appreciate the differences. I watched many Disney films as a child, but they made me want to go read the books(which I did). Pollyanna, Pinocchio, Bambi, Cinderella were all fabulous books very different from the classic films. Some of those books were quite scary and a bit dark, especially for children's eyes, IMO. The Wizard of Oz is actually 2 books and VERY different from the film.



I've read "The Wizard of Oz" about sixteen times over the past sixty years, in different editions from different publishers, including the original edition. There were many sequels, but "The Wizard of Oz" is only one book.


Watch the 2003 version.I watched it yesterday and I loved it so much that I had to see the 1960 version too.But I'm so disappointed,I only watched 1 hour of the movie.From what I've read,the 2003 version follows the original storyline of the book




From what I've seen on these posts, the book's Pollyanna was an even more insufferable Goody Two-Shoes than the movie's. And I found the movie's Pollyanna pretty damned unbearable at times!


Frankly, I think the film is quite a bit of an improvement over the book (which I've just re-read within the past few days). The book was episodic and loosely structured, where the film took all the basic story threads and wove them into a cohesive whole.

Obviously the largest difference between the film and novel is with the Pollyanna character herself. The primary problem I have with the book is that the heroine is just TOO good, TOO sweet, TOO everlastingly charming and upbeat to be the least bit believable. Now, I wouldn’t say that she is offensively good---unlike the horribly sanctimonious Elsie Dinsmore (a popular Victorian kid-lit heroine), Pollyanna doesn’t preach to the other characters or give the impression that she’s morally superior to everyone else. But Pollyanna didn’t come across as a natural little girl for me; she pales not only into insignificance, but into invisibility, in comparison to, say, the marvellous Anne Shirley of the "Green Gables" books.

In addition, I would say that the Pollyanna of the novel displays a general naïveté that might have a certain charm in a child half her age, but in a ten- or eleven-year-old character, it just seems a bit odd. I don't want to sound too mean-spirited, but you'd almost think that she has some sort of developmental disability. So, the portrayal of the main character is kind of a major drawback to the novel.

Hayley Mills makes the character much more believable, more realistic, while still being quite charming and likeable.


it sounds like the remake is more like the book. although i have not seen this originsl in a long time and never read the book.


I agree. Pollyanna is charming, but she is quite dull compared to Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne Shirley.

JimHutton (1934-79) & ElleryQueen


This one is a frightful adaptation. I like the book, and very much like the other two adaptations that I have seen. But this one? Impossible to like if the book has been read, or the other versions have been viewed.


Does it say "adapted from" in the credits?

There aren't many successful films that ADAPT a book faithfully to the screen. Films are BASED ON books. That means that they use the book as a basis and retell the story in a way that makes sense as a movie. Pollyanna doesn't make sense as a movie. It was created to be a book. That's why Disney changed it. They were trying to make a movie using the book as a starting point...which is what the term "based on" means.


This is on BBC2 right now. Saw it as a kid. Couldn't bear it as a wee girl and it makes me wanna throw up even more so now! Never read the book as you can probably tell. Only reason it came to my attention is that the husband was reading Ceefax and this was on in the background. *Shudders*.

I'm sure there are millions out there that love this film. This post is not a criticism of you. As I have said many times on IMDB, the world would be so boring if we all liked the same thing. I just had to get that off my chest!



that's why i prefer the more recent adaptation


let's not go to camelot, it is a silly place


pollyanna was much more realistic in the film. she was a sweetheart but she wasn't perfect. she was real. i like the scene when she sticks her tongue out at angelica. and come on...she's a 10-year-old pre-adolescent girl! OF COURSE 7-year-old jimmy bean is going to annoy her!! my 7-year-old brother annoyed me when i was 10!! pollyanna is a very genuine, relatable character in the movie. if anything the film is gritty and real, most certainly not corny or schmaltzy at all!


The book, is so stupid, bad and unrealistic. This film though is Lovely, I love Hayley Mills Pollyanna, she feels more like a real person, with some darkness inside of her and not just pure happiness.
