The House of Shaws

I think this is the only Kidnapped movie I ever saw.

I always wondered why it was called the House of Shaws and not the House of Balfours.

I think I have a dim memory of the House of Shaws looking like an unfinished or partially demolished castle.

And I remember David running up the stairs in a tower in the dark, and a flash of lightening showing missing steps right in front of him, where he would have plunged to his death.

I wonder if anyone could provide a link to an image of the House of Shaws from this movie.


Did anyone who saw a Kidnapped movie but didn't read the book think that the mansion "The House of Shaws" was called "the House of Shawls" or "the House of Shahs"?

In British English a shaw is a term for:


So there was a place in Scotland called Shaws because there were some shaws there. And the Balfours of Shaws were called that because they either came from Shaws or owned a large estate there named Shaws.
