I was the Director

It is wonderful to read how many people enjoyed, and remembered this film. It was my first feature film, and I had a great cast and crew.


It is wonderful to read how many people enjoyed, and remembered this film. It was my first feature film, and I had a great cast and crew.

My Reply:

I just watched this movie. I got it on DVD. Cost me a dollar. It was a double feature. Came with House On Haunted Hill. Enjoyed your film very much. A little over acting by a couple of the guys. That's really the worse I can say, and besides, stuff like that actually gives it a certain charm. The women were good. Of course Christopher Lee played a good character. A solid story. That was one weird town. Nice job putting that all together. Loved all the fog. For your first feature I think you did a pretty good job. Thanks for the entertainment.

Oh, while at a store yesterday, I saw Horror Hotel on DVD in it's own package. Widescreen version. Digitally remastered. Even comes with the original movie trailor. How could I pass this up? I got it, and then mailed the double feature DVD to a friend. He's a big Christopher Lee fan.

Thanks for the comment, and the oppentunity for us fans of the movie to add our two-cents.


Can you share any anecdotes about Patricia Jessel? She was superbly chilling as Elizabeth Selwyn. Had she ever tackled any other horror/supernatural parts before?


To Mr Moxey
Thanks for directing two of my favourite films of all time:-
City Of The Dead
The Nightstalker (still one of the best TVMs ever)


Are you the same John Moxey who directed the original TV movie THE NIGHT STALKER? What a great film that was ;My hat is off to you. Would you know if that film is available on DVD? I would love to own it. Thanks for one of the scariest and funniest horror movies EVER !!


You did an extremely awesome job! I saw it a few weeks ago for the first time.. my dad bought a colection of classic horrors and outa all them it was by far the best!
It imeadiatly went on my favorite movies list! I REEEEEEEEEEEALY LOVE it!!





I just picked this movie up recently on DVD. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was surprisingly good. I really enjoyed it. Cool stuff!


Awesome, so nice to meet you Mr Moxey, Horror Hotel is one of my favorite older horror films. I've always enjoyed Christopher Lee's films. Great atmospheric film.
