MovieChat Forums > Santa Claus Discussion > Best MST3K moments with this movie?

Best MST3K moments with this movie?

What part of the MST3K version of this was the best to you?

I absolutely loved the scene when the reindeer are wound up. One of the Bots comments that they're downright creepy, and then the LAUGHING starts....prompting Mike and the Bots to join in with, "Hahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

I swear, I literally cried.


"That is a mouth, isn't it?"
[Allll Readeeee!]


I just thought of an additional MST3K line:

Narrator: "How can old Pitch be so mean?"

Mike: "Well, it IS his job."


Commentator- "Childen in England!.....
Crow- "Have rotten teeth!!"



"Oh no! Santa's doing the forbidden dance!"


Being a Yes/Rick Wakeman fan, I was amused by the Six Wives of Henry VIII reference

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


When Santa Claus is having all the kids load up his sleigh, and the organ melody chimes in, Tom starts singing, "Well I'm not scared a' dyin', and I don't really care..." I couldn't breath.

I have known a great many sorrows, but most of them never happened


When Lupita snaps out of her nightmare and Crow says "Mama I had a 'Nam dream!" I was half paying attention but when I heard that line I lost it

You cut 'em or you pay 'em, but you keep yer receipts, cos this ain't the fackin' Mafia.



I alternate between this and Santa Conquers the Martians episode for my yearly christmas laughs.

(As the overly-medicated rich kid sleeps) Tom as santa: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tom as Lupita's mom:In the name of Santa, Merlin and the elves.

Their all inclusive holiday song is CLASSIC!

"We've got movie sign!" - MST3K


Santa: It's the cocktail of remembrance, for which only I can prepare. Whoever drinks this, will think of that which is most dear. And which at times for unknown reasons we seem to forget....

Mike: Did I say I'm Tad, and I'll be your waiter yet???

That gets me everytime!

Why would I save a world I no longer have any stake in?


I'm not sure who said this...I think it was Crow...but this just cracked me up.

The two little boys hear Santa and get out of bed to listen at the door.

Narrator: "All Santa has to do is use the magic dreaming powder prepared by Mr. Merlin"

Crow: "...and Mr.Owsley"


The helpful children from Mexico... "are over accessorized!"


Should comment, the latest MST3K set --Volume 16, I think, the one with the Tom Servo figurine-- has this episode, along with THE CORPSE VANISHES, WARRIOR OF THE LOST WORLD, and NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST (Both standard and Turkey Day versions).


"She is aggressively cute"

Great line.


This has to be one of my favorite MST3K episodes. I was THRILLED when I saw it in volume 16 at Best Buy. Some of the MANY great lines:

1. The part where the young chinese girl is writing her letter to Santa, and I think Servo, says, "and can i have my feet unbound?"

2. When Santa is making his first stop to Mexico and flies into a dusty cloud, "Manure dust overtakes the sled!"

3. The part where Santa makes himself visible to the sleeping rich boy, and as he looks him up and down, they simulate the sexy trombone music, and I think Mike says, "Like whatcha' see kid?"

There are way too many to list. These are just the ones that came to me right now.


The moment when Santa very awkwardly climbs down the rope ladder Mike says something like "Wow that was some action sequence". I missed several lines because of that.

Also "Ho ho ho ho, staying alive staying alive".

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"


a lot of great lines quoted here already

"It's a young Barton Fink...."

"But Santa oppresses the proletariat...." [Lupita]

"Booze helps parents care for their children!"

"The US was founded by a group of slaveowners who told us all men are created equal."


When Lupita and the doll are arguing back and forth about stealing:

Tom Servo: "This kid should be a lawyer."
