MovieChat Forums > Santa Claus Discussion > Best MST3K moments with this movie?

Best MST3K moments with this movie?

What part of the MST3K version of this was the best to you?

I absolutely loved the scene when the reindeer are wound up. One of the Bots comments that they're downright creepy, and then the LAUGHING starts....prompting Mike and the Bots to join in with, "Hahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

I swear, I literally cried.


"Santa's laughter mocks the poor"


I FINALLY saw this episode! A friend had it on tape, and it was so ****ing hilarious! "I love inflicting pain!," indeed!

Tom's song about Pitch also drives me into huge fits of laughter. "I'm the devil's servant; but I still have a goofy song!"


That's the best one, but I also like "Uh, question Mr. Santa? uhh..." and "Eh, come along I gotta buy a bra."


Every single moment that Pitch is in is hilarious. My family and I watch this every Christmas (the MST3K version of course) and it never gets old. The creepy reindeer, the flamboyant devil's aid, the peeping tom Santa. We love it all!

Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night!


Lupe's Mother: That's when Chrais was born.
Servo: CRAIG? Oh, I don't think so!"

Lupe: Goodbye Santa! I can see you lights chinning. . .
Servo: Open up a Chinese restaurant?


I love at the end where the MAd Scienctists on MST3K are talking with Pitch, and then Santa Comes through the door and proclaims I'm here to eat Candy Canes and Kick @$$, and i'm allll out of candy canes!'

A-ha-ha-ha, you're really weird!-Willy Wonka


"Santa's tendrils spread far and wide. There is no hiding from the KLAUS organisation...."


When the letters shoot down on Santa and servo says, "There's a dollar in every one. My chain letter scam worked."

When Santa gets ready to shoot Pitch with a toy cannon and Mike says, "Santa's a lifetime member of the NRA."

When the Mexican father fumbles with a gun to check out an intruder and crow says, "El Don Knotso." As a mexian-american I found that hilarious.

When Lupita's mom says, "I remember when I was a little girl." And servo starts in and say, "Oh God here we go..the old 'I could've been a dancer.'


Haha, my family and I watch this every Christmas too! Comedy Central played it on Christmas eve in '93 and we saw it and thought it was hilarious, so my dad taped it when they played it again in '94. We have watched that tape every Christmas since and finally made a copy of it a few years ago in case anything happened to it. I have looked for it on DVD before but it sounds like it exists from what other people have said - where did you find it?

My favorite moments, wow, where to start? It does never get old. I am excited to watch it again and it's only early January! I have new funny quotes every year.

Our first favorite quote was after Lupita steals the doll and stops to think about it..
"Do I need accessories too?"

Now one of my favorites:
"Ahh, nothing in the lobster trap today"


The dancing devil...

'I'm positively Evil!'


I'd love to have this on DVD as well. I love MST!


"If Seasonal Depression has a soundtrack, this is it."



The Hot Wheels cat


"Oh, I forgot France! Oh well!"



The scene with the little girl and the evil doll is hilarious in and of itself. "Stealing is evil and I don't want to be evil."
But really, anything where they point out "good old fashioned nightmare fuel" like the display Santa who has more of a bemused chuckle than a jolly HO HO HO.
And the little kids in the workshop!!! Oh man! I think its the Mexico kids and the little demonic boy with the guitar...
So many great moments!!!
But I think one of the better ones is when Tom points out the "classic battle between evil and... the narrator."

"It is better to destroy than to create what is unessential." -- Daumier, 8 1/2


"Legalize it man!"


When they are in the dream of the rich child and the narrator say: What all need want for Christmas

He opens the giant box with his dad in a tux inside and Servo (I think)Says: His own Maitre'd?


"The Pleasure Mouth."


"This is good old-fashioned nightmare fuel"


I'm telling ya Peppy, these Comedy Central contests are a waste of time.


The Classic battle between Evil and the Narrator.


Ok, I was at a friends birthday party last night and this was on at 3:00 am and let me tell you.. we all felt like we were on an acid trip or something. It was all funny!


Wait- I had NO IDEA that this was on MST3K when I watched it tonite. My daughter's boyfriend loaned me the DVD. Where do I get a copy???!!!!

"Do the chickens have large talons?"


Thought of some more favorites :)

"Well, Pedro, what's on the dessert tray tonight?"

(Pedro looks through the telescope)
"I found the little girl. She is in Mexico."
(shot of faraway totally fake planet earth)
"Oh yeah, he really zeroed in on her!"

(surveillance devices working)
"This weird enough for you, folks? How's this make you feel about Santa?"

I also love their all-inclusive Christmas "carol"

and...this one is so hilarious because it's part of the actual movie, rather than the MST3K comments:
when Santa is reading the letters
(after the very funny "oh, there was a rock in that one!" and "there's a dollar in every one - my chain letter scam worked!" and "oh, man, I need a database!")
and he reads the super long letter from the child who wants things like
"a bicycle, an atomic laboratory, a machine gun..."
So funny!
and Santa says the kid is telling the truth about being good, so he will bring him his atomic laboratory!! :)


"Booze helps parents care for their children." One of my fav mst3k lines.


Funniest MST3K lines for me:

When Santa is talking about the bad boys: "Oh, those little rascals!" (The MST3K audience does a fast take-off on the "Little Rascals/Our Gang" theme song).

When the devils are dancing in hell: "Oh sure, Hell got an NEA grant!"

When seeing the fumbling Merlin: "This guy trained the king of England?"

And: "That's not a doll, that's a sister!"
